pitches in a sentence

Use ‘pitches’ in a sentence | ‘pitches’ example sentences

1- Whoever pitches, that team always loses.

2- It causes quite a sensation when Nomo pitches a nohitter.

3- The batter missed the first two pitches and then hit a foul on the third.

4- Our baseball team has a special machine which pitches the balls for us to practice hitting.

5- David Price pitches at Yankee Stadium in his second start for Toronto.

6- That means he retired three batters an inning on an average 12 pitches.

7- A lot of times you don’t see it, but that saves pitches, which helps us.

8- Dobbs and Riley Fulcher shared the pitches duties in the loss to Toccoa.

9- Fiers, acquired a month ago in a trade with Milwaukee, threw 98 pitches.

10- “Holly can do damage and Carp sees so many pitches and has good (at-bats).

11- Martin’s pitches “busted seams and nearly took my thumb off,” Bostick said.

12- We were impatient, out on our front foot and swinging at some poor pitches.

13- But first, Steve fake-pitches an idea for a new TV series to Russ and Jeff.

14- He fought with fastball command, but he got his big pitches when he had to.”

15- High school teams play 9-on-9 on a 60-yard field on modified soccer pitches.

16- “I had a couple of early pitches that touched on that and Robert shut me down.

17- He scattered three singles, walked one and threw 119 pitches in eight innings.

18- He walked none and struck out three, throwing 52 of his 70 pitches for strikes.

19- Baltimore starter Ubaldo Jimenez needed 87 pitches to get through four innings.

20- Jacob deGrom fanned the side in the top of the sixth inning on only 10 pitches.

21- In case you want to make a rule, ICC should send someone to assess the pitches.

22- “I’m getting some good pitches to hit and putting some good swings on baseballs.

23- They were fouling pitches off and I wasn’t executing with two strikes, Cole said.

24- Quite the contrary: Shifts are against hitters that pull all pitches on the ground.

25- He was efficient and effectively wild, as he threw just 83 pitches, 48 for strikes.

26- I was just focused on having my pitches down in the zone and having quality pitches.”

27- Erickson, despite his best pitches to Kirkman to touch on the subject, was shot down.

28- 466767Luckily I was able to make a few pitches and get that first out of the game.”””

29- Its dish will be the size of 30 football pitches when completed, state media reported.

30- Phillies director of player development Joe Jordan said Asher pitches with confidence.

31- Zimmermann (5-2) threw a season-high 105 pitches and helped save a struggling bullpen.

32- Nothing overpowering, but he mixes and matches has a lot of different pitches, he said.

33- “Let’s be honest, those pitches weren’t very good pitches at all (the first two times up).

34- At the same time there were pitches they don’t usually swing at that were called strikes.”

35- 267266“He doesn’t miss in the middle of the plate and you don’t get any pitches to drive.

36- The climb was divided into 32 pitches, or sections, like way points on a dot-to-dot drawing.

37- He was attacking with all his pitches and throwing them for strikes, TCU’s Keaton Jones said.

38- “The third inning I made some bad pitches to start that inning off and got some trouble there.

39- These recorded messages invade our privacy with pitches for all sorts of products and services.

40- “He had command of all four of his pitches and he was just being himself out there, having fun.

41- “In England they have to get used to different pitches and weather conditions and the Duke ball.

42- Kluber was at 119 pitches, so Francona called for right-hander Zach McAllister from the bullpen.

43- “I’ve gotten a few pitches I could work with, but he’s got me quite a few times too,” Trumbo said.

44- He hopes to throw 15 pitches in the session at Miami’s spring training complex in Jupiter, Florida.

45- Sorrell said that WPP’s plan was to stress its technology and data expertise in pitches to clients.

46- We’ve been ready at any moment, and in that time, I was just ready to execute and make my pitches.”

47- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush brought the heat, throwing pitches and taking pictures with supporters.

48- Drew Storen got his 12th save, striking out Alex Rodriguez on three pitches with a man on to end it.

49- Yu Darvish of the Texas Rangers pitches in the first inning against the Kansas City Royals on March …

50- I was able to execute all four of my pitches whether I was behind in the count or ahead in the count.

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