pistol in a sentence

Use ‘pistol’ in a sentence | ‘pistol’ example sentences

1- He reached for the pistol.

2- A ruffian’s pistol went off.

3- He was careless in handling his pistol.

4- The police officer pointed his pistol at the criminal, who, in turn, held his pistol directly pointed at the officer.

5- Neither had the advantage, the position was a stalemate.

6- “It’s time that pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States.

7- “It’s time that pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States.”

8- Amid a slow and just as unknown Winnipeg and pistol and given each phone.

9- A pistol was found lying in a water-filled ditch near the suspect vehicle.

10- 274321He made a pistol with his finger and pointed to the back of his head.

11- The bag also contained a Glock pistol and 94 hollow-tipped expanding bullets.

12- Responding soldiers found empty shells for cal. 45 pistol at the crime scene.

13- He had boarded the train with a Kalashnikov rifle, a pistol and a box cutter.

14- 418345It’s time that pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States.”””

15- Bell was reportedly highly intoxicated and said he knew nothing about the pistol.

16- 745192The man tried to squeeze off a shot from his pistol, but it wouldn’t fire.

17- Miami Beach Police are investigating after a tourist was pistol whipped and robbed.

18- On the other, you had a security officer — a traffic officer by day — with a pistol.

19- Van Dyke emptied his pistol and reloaded as McDonald lay on ground during the barrage.

20- 528776 Once Gaudette reached the police car, he pulled his pistol and crouched down.”

21- But coming from the United States, pistol and Boo would have fared little better there.

22- The officer eventually fired a single shot from his pistol when the dog advanced again.

23- A search was conducted of the vehicle and a pistol with a quantity of ammunition was found.

24- The gun is listed as a “replica firearm,” a Colt 1911 target pistol that’s 11.25 inches long.

25- Samways, who resides in Coney Island, was brandishing what his victims said was a silver pistol.

26- His bodyguard is seen in the video pointing a pistol at the actress’ head as his boss attacks her.

27- In South Carolina, you don’t need a permit to buy a gun – pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, whatever.

28- The boy then stands over one of the bodies, fires two more times, and later raises his pistol high.

29- A Ruger model SR9 9mm semi-automatic pistol was recovered in the orchard off Lateral A road as well.

30- A few years ago, he waved a pistol and dildo at a news conference to protest an alleged police rape.

31- 689414The boy stands over one of the bodies, fires two more times, and later raises his pistol high.

32- 796433The semi-automatic pistol was later used in the July 1 killing of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle.

33- pistol crossbow for home recreational shooting.

34- He is nicknamed “pistol Pete” for his notable accuracy.

35- He was issued a pistol permit within twenty-four hours.

36- Camp Perry is the home of the National Rifle & pistol Championships.

37- Omni II was a 9mm parabellum pistol with a single stack 9-round magazine.

38- During police tests there was a strong preference for a pistol made by Heckler & Koch.

39- Pg 98. Among American troops, the pistol was often referred to as the “French Trantor “.

40- These premises were to provide 24 rifle positions at 100 feet, and 8 pistol ranges of 75 feet.

41- The 24-year-old hijacker, Mahamat Abdelatif Mahamat, was armed with a pistol and several knives.

42- The firearm is stamped from 2 pieces of sheet metal which are shaped with integral rear pistol grip and magazine housing.

43- When Mabel reaches into her purse for a handkerchief, Shosho sees a pistol inside and grabs a dagger used as a wall decoration.

44- The same general strategy applies except that you are given a set number of pistol, shotgun and grenade rounds with which to earn as many points as possible.

45- Primers must be selected carefully, as there are more sizes of Berdan primers than the standard large and small pistol, large and small rifle of Boxer primers.

46- Corporal Paul and Patrolman Moore stopped a vehicle with Ohio registration, when a woman, one of three individuals in the vehicle, fired a pistol at the two officers.

47- Ferguson purchased a Ruger P-89 9mm pistol at a Turner’s Outdoorsman in Long Beach for $400, after waiting the 15-day waiting period required under California’s gun laws.

48- The common saying in the mid-western United States, “hotter than Pete’s pistol,” traces back to Eaton’s shooting skills, along with his legendary pursuit of his father’s killers.

49- Gameplay The player character fires at enemies with a pistol.

50- She and Miss Pross struggle over the pistol and Madame is killed.

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