philosopher in a sentence 3

Use ‘philosopher’ in a sentence | ‘philosopher’ example sentences

99- He considered Pythagoras to be the most notable philosopher of all time Interview in the newspaper A Capital, 11-1-1920.

100- D. ) for a dissertation on the epistemology of the American philosopher Alvin Plantinga from Queen’s University, Belfast.

101- Padua – died AD 66), Roman Senator and Stoic philosopher who protested the abuses of and was subsequently killed by order of Nero.

102- Derrida responded to Farías in an interview, “Heidegger, the philosopher‘s Hell” and a subsequent article, “Comment donner raison?

103- Cobden had the calmness and confidence of the political philosopher, Bright had the passion and the fervour of the popular orator.

104- The same passages led philosopher and journalist Cătălin Avramescu to argue that Eliade’s behavior was evidence of ” megalomania “.

105- Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a 19th century Danish philosopher who has been generally considered the “Father of Existentialism “.

106- Callahan is a philosopher widely recognized for his innovative studies in biomedical ethics.

107- A review by Robert T. Pennock of philosopher of science Michael Ruse ‘s book Darwin & Design.

108- Two of his advisors at Harvard were Nobel laureate P.W. Bridgmen and philosopher A.N. Whitehead.

109- French philosopher Henri Bergson has said in an essay: “In every wit there is something of a poet.

110- Samuel Manuel Cabanchik (born August 18, 1958) is an Argentine philosopher, academic and politician.

111- The philosopher Edmund Burke defines this sensation of pleasure derived from pain by the word sublime.

112- Isaac Albalag ( Hebrew : יצחק אלבלג ‎) was a Jewish philosopher of the second half of the 13th century.

113- Unreferenced Deconstruction therapy was developed by the British underground philosopher Michael Swann.

114- “The Old philosopher“, as he was usually known, was featured on NBC ‘s The Today Show on December 29, 2007.

115- Marquet alleged that the philosopher had assaulted and battered her after she refused to leave his doorway.

116- The Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau sent him the message: “Tell him I know no greater man on earth.

117- The Baroque philosopher Hermann Nicephorus and the 18th century artist Theobald von Oer were both born here.

118- Michael Krausz (born 1942) is a Swiss-born American philosopher as well as an artist and orchestral conductor.

119- The following year, philosopher‘s Stone won almost all the other major UK awards that were decided by children.

120- Thales (7th-6th century BC), the first Greek philosopher claimed that the first principle of all things is water.

121- Nagel accuses Wittgenstein and American philosopher of mind and language Donald Davidson of philosophical idealism.

122- philosopher and social critic Robert C. Solomon described McKuen’s poetry as “sweet kitsch “, Solomon, Robert C. (2004).

123- The Peirce Geodetic Monument is a marker honoring the late American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (pronounced “purse”).

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