petal in a sentence

Use ‘petal’ in a sentence | ‘petal’ example sentences

1- The flowers have a slender tube 3-4 cm long, with spreading petal lobes.

2- The flowers are yellow, 2-5 cm (1-2 in) diameter, with 4-9 (mostly 5) petal -like sepals and many yellow stamens ; they appear in early spring to late summer.

3- The only evidence of his romantic gesture: A single rose petal Meredith finds under her pillow.

4- A hammer strikes a wheel with petals, the “daisy wheel”, each petal containing a letter form at its tip.

5- The 1950s saw decorated caps come into vogue, and during the 1960s colorful flower petal swim caps became popular.

6- The bowl-shaped flowers are of varying shades of purple, often lavender, with a spot of darker purple at the base of each petal.

7- The flowers have five symmetrical petals; petal colours in different species include yellow (most common), orange, red-brown, purple, blue, or white.

8- Graceful minarets mark the corners of each symmetrical building, surmounted by a dome rising from a lotus petal base.

9- In one species of Poranthera and in several of Actephila, the petal size is variable, and sometimes the petals are completely absent.

10- Young larva feed on the developing seeds and hibernate in their first case which is made of the tip of a petal.

11- The zygomorphic flowers are bright red-purple, with a top hood-like petal, two lower lip petal lobes and minute fang-like lobes between.

12- Seeing a swerving road ahead, Avery accelerates the car, unbuckles petal‘s seat belt, and intentionally crashes into a telephone pole, fatally injuring petal.

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