pesticides in a sentence 2

Use ‘pesticides’ in a sentence | ‘pesticides’ example sentences

50- Rice, milk, vegetables, coconuts, etc come from the college farms, fresh and hygienic, raised without pesticides.

51- Use of pesticides reduces food availability, and the species is sensitive to changing farming and forestry practices.

52- Cholinergic syndrome occurs in acute poisonings with OP pesticides and is directly related to levels of AChE activity.

53- Primary benefits are direct gains from the use of pesticides and secondary benefits are effects that are more long-term.

54- Some organochlorine compounds are also serious pollutants, either as side products of industrial processes or as persistent pesticides.

55- IMS occurs when a person has a prolonged and severe inhibition of AChE and has been linked to specific OP pesticides such as methylparathion, dichlorvos, and parathion.

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