personally in a sentence

Use ‘personally’ in a sentence | ‘personally’ example sentences

1- Don’t take it personally.

2- personally, I liked this one.

3- I will personally be responsible for it.

4- I was able to obtain a personally signed ball.

5- I know of him, but I don’t know him personally.

6- The president conducted us personally to his office.

7- I like him personally, but don’t respect him as a doctor.

8- Dave likes blondes, but personally I’m partial to brunettes.

9- personally, I do not advocate the death penalty under any circumstances.

10- personally, I don’t think it makes any difference who wins the election.

11- Discussion question: What does the generation gap mean to you personally? garmentShe said she didn’t like it, but I thought, personally, it was very good.

12- I know snails are considered a delicacy, but personally, I don’t like them.

13- Discussion question: What have you personally learned from failure in the past? faintAlthough he is a big star, he still personally responds to all of his fan mail.

14- personally, I am totally skeptical of people who claim to be able to foretell the future.

15- Many people think the former alternative will work well, but personally I favor the latter.

16- The President personally went to the hospital to console the survivors of the terrorist attack.

17- Movie stars receive so many fan letters that it is impossible to reply personally to all of them.

18- People often stereotype other cultures or races simply because they do not know the people personally.

19- personally, I am opposed to the elitism that private schools in this country foster among their students.

20- People here seem very friendly on a superficial level, but can be quite difficult to get to know personally.

21- Author Margaret Atwood has long been praised by her contemporaries, but personally, I find her rather boring.

22- He is a very rich and famous performer, but he still personally answers all his correspondence from his fans.

23- The development of personal identity is an important part of the process of developing socially and personally.

24- personally, I don’t find female body-builders to be very attractive simply because they don’t seem feminine to me.

25- Celebrities generally receive so much fan mail that it is impossible to respond to each and every letter personally.

26- personally, I don’t really like the candidate, but I am voting more for a political platform than for a specific person.

27- Abraham Lincoln once said, “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.

28- “personally, I think that the film version of “The Lord of the Rings” omitted a lot of stuff that was really important to the story.

29- Sudhir Sibal, the chef who serves India’s Prime Minister, says he personally samples all food before it is served, in case of food poisoning.

30- It was hard for Harry to retain his objectivity in reporting on the election because he admitted to personally detesting one of the candidates.

31- personally, I think spanking a child, and taking away his allowance is drastic punishment for a simple thing like taking cookies without asking.

32- In order to master another language, you need to be personally involved in the process, in terms of having a real motivation for learning the language.

33- personally, I think that the story of the Loch Ness Monster is just a myth that the local people like to keep alive because it brings in so many tourist dollars.

34- personally, I find that contemporary cinema, though certainly more advanced in terms of technology, nonetheless lacks some of the emotional depth of films of the 1940s.

35- He rationalized his firing by saying that the boss didn’t like him personally, but everyone knows it was because he had a drinking problem that was interfering with his work.

36- The underlying principle behind the government’s determination to cut social services seems to be the belief that the poor are personally responsible for their plight, and therefore deserve to suffer.

37- The underlying principle behind the government’s determination to cut social services seems to be the belief that the poor are personally responsible for their situation, and therefore deserve to suffer.

38- People often run away and I try not to take it personally, but I do.

39- McLane initially came to the show in 2004 at a low point personally.

40- Inaba: It’s understandable for them to take it personally sometimes.

41- “I am personally pleased with recent progress in the Investment Bank.

42- We’re a team, although we don’t know each other personally, she says.

43- 558568personally, I’m able to dream easily each night, its not hard.

44- personally, I think that this is just the visible tip of the iceberg.

45- “personally, I think the Orange Clown will do anything for attention.

46- personally, I don’t find the design of the case to be that outrageous.

47- It couldn’t have been any better for me, personally, my first at-bat.”

48- 202486Each must be personally examined to see whether they are valid.

49- “I personally am going to give Mr Chin a chance to see what he can do.

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