persists in a sentence

Use ‘persists’ in a sentence | ‘persists’ example sentences

1- She persists in her belief.

2- He persists in his opinion.

3- He persists in his confidence.

4- She persists in saying that she is right.

5- She persists in saying that her analysis is correct.

6- My maternal grandmother persists in wearing that oldfashioned dress.

7- If your son’s fever persists more than a day or two, you’d better take him to the doctor again.

8- This guy at work persists in asking me out even though I have told him very clearly that I am not interested in dating him.

9- This government persists in making cuts to social programs despite polls showing that the majority of people are against them.

10- Religion persists in part because people experience dissatisfaction with modern industrial living and its emphases on rationalism and materialism.

11- George Bernard Shaw once observed that a reasonable man adapts himself to suit his environment, whereas an unreasonable man persists in attempting to adapt his environment to suit himself.

12- Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

13- But the agent persists, responding: “That’s okay, that’s alright, man.

14- If the jamming persists, we Ethiopians suffer, a listener wrote recently.

15- Boko Haram has killed suspected informants and fear of the group persists.

16- However, speculation persists that the 30-year-old is set to leave Madrid.

17- 578254Rain has ended, but areal and major to historic river flooding persists.

18- Or does the laureate’s casual misogyny show that gender discrimination persists?

19- But one persists and one has to be resilient and forceful without causing offense.

20- 326116If it persists and doesn’t dry out, it can lead to rot issues with potatoes.”

21- Fourteen months into his tenure, corruption persists and violence is higher than ever.

22- Prices could plummet to $20 as a massive supply glut persists until the end of next year.

23- Their thinking: Develop a backup plan in case a nationwide lethal-drug shortage persists.

24- They say any unused water can be stored in a newly retrofitted dam and tapped if drought persists.

25- The adage “what we resist persists” is true.

26- Economy The Koireng economy persists mainly on agriculture which they carry on by both wet method and shifting cultivation.

27- The legacy of Sylviornis persists in Kanak oral history in the form of stories giving a rough description of the bird and some of its habits.

28- Tad persists in warning Dixie about Adam’s true intentions, but she simply will not listen.

29- One confusion that seems to have occurred during this period and persists today is the titling of Ph.

30- Surgery Tonsillectomy may be indicated if bad breath due to tonsillar stones persists despite other measures.

31- Legend also persists of Burkhart’s continual abuse of his 5 servants: Raul, Gabby, Octavio, Cindy, and Daniel.

32- Thus during coitus, a female mouse forms a precise ‘olfactory memory’ of her partner which persists for several days.

33- The pharyngeal opening of each diverticulum is soon obliterated, but the neck of the flask persists for some time as a cellular cord.

34- The ‘missing’ motorcycles A myth persists that a large consignment of Velocette MAC (WD) intended for use in France was lost in the English Channel while being delivered.

35- Rumour persists that West Brom manager Gary Megson threatened never to play him again.

36- Since a mix wet and dry climate persists in the park the vegetation is a mix of wet zone and dry zone plants.

37- Afiya persists through 47 hits in her run, largely due to confusion over which direction to turn the wheel in reverse.

38- An odd rumour that Carter was “killed in an automobile accident in 1978” is definitively false, but nonetheless persists.

39- Yukiko is not excited when her wedding kimonos arrive and suffers from diarrhea, which persists on the train ride to Tokyo.

40- The gaunt honesty of those projecting concrete frames carrying boxed-out bow windows persists.

41- The villagers are unfriendly, but Carey persists in his clandestine efforts to flush out the traitor.

42- This raised a sense of ethnic homogeneity which persists as a major element in Korea’s politics and foreign relations.

43- Claire becomes uneasy as the harassment persists, and insists Diane is dangerous, but Ruben insists he can handle her.

44- The idea is really a folk-notion that persists in popular journalism, and is not supported in musicology or serious music criticism.

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