permanent in a sentence

Use ‘permanent’ in a sentence | ‘permanent’ example sentences

1- This was a permanent bridge with concrete abutments .

2- Dialysis fluid is introduced into the abdominal cavity through a permanent tube.

3- Everybody wants permanent peace.

4- We all wish for permanent world peace.

5- My daughter is cutting her permanent teeth.

6- It is difficult to find a well paid permanent job.

7- His permanent tooth is coming in behind his baby tooth.

8- In my opinion, permanent peace is nothing but illusion.

9- I hope their relationship will blossom into something permanent.

10- The country of Libya has no permanent rivers, and no freshwater lakes.

11- Lac Chad is the Republic of Chad’s only permanent source of fresh water.

12- Eighty-five percent of the land of Greenland lies beneath permanent ice.

13- Chuck’s grandmother has become a permanent fixture at all our football games.

14- Eighty-five percent of the land of Greenland lies beneath a permanent ice cap.

15- Lebanon’s civil war has left over 75,000 of its people with permanent disabilities.

16- Sathya Sai Baba once remarked that the only permanent change is slow, steady change.

17- It won’t take long for the injury to heal, but it will probably leave a permanent scar.

18- The oldest permanent human settlement yet discovered on earth is at Catalhoyuk, Turkey.

19- The government is calling for a permanent cessation of hostilities against rebel forces.

20- As humans learned to raise plants for food, they began to establish permanent settlements.

21- A wise man once observed that success isn’t necessarily permanent – but neither is failure.

22- Analysts predict the company will provide over 100 full-time, permanent jobs in the region.

23- Instead of being here to work, you get the sense that he’s simply a permanent fixture here.

24- The first permanent British settlement in the New World was established in Virginia in 1607.

25- Discussion question: Talk about an important period in the history of your culture.

26- permanentThe hockey player suffered permanent damage to his eye when he got hit in the face with the puck.

27- In May of 1386, England and Portugal signed a treaty promising permanent alliance and friendship.

28- She dyed her hair green, but it isn’t a permanent dye, so it will wash out within a couple of weeks.

29- The government has granted tax concessions to new companies which create at least 50 permanent jobs.

30- Talkshow host Phil Donahue once remarked that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

31- Talk show host Phil Donahue once remarked that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

32- Studies show that damage to one’s body due to smoking is not permanent if the smoker stops soon enough.

33- There is a meeting today in Paris of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

34- She is working in an office downtown on a two-month contract, but is hoping to find a permanent job soon.

35- For many people today, marriage no longer seems to be a permanent relationship between a man and a woman.

36- A department store spokesman says that their new outlet will create more than 75 permanent jobs in the city.

37- New employees must complete a three-month trial period before being officially hired for a permanent position.

38- You need to have completed full-time equivalency for three sessions before you can become a permanent employee.

39- She is working in an office downtown on a two-month contract, but is hoping to find a permanent job pretty soon.

40- Full-time, permanent jobs are increasingly scarce these days as companies hire more and more people on contract.

41- Nowadays, there are still a few groups of people in different parts of the world who do not have permanent homes.

42- In February of 1952, the United Nations held its first meetings in its new permanent headquarters in New York.

43- healThoreau once suggested that the pleasures of the intellect are permanent, the pleasures of the heart are transitory.

44- Humankind began establishing the first permanent settlements when they learned how to grow food, about 10,000 years ago.

45- Samuel Johnson once said that curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.

46- Most of Trinidad’s East Indian population view marriage as permanent, and discourage divorce or the remarriage of widows.

47- Marilyn Vos Savant once noted that being defeated is often a temporary condition.

48- Giving up is what makes it permanent.

49- Psychologists describe learning as a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential to respond that results from experience.

50- In August of 1950, the United Nations moved to a new permanent location in New York City on land donated by the Rockefeller family.

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