peripherals in a sentence

Use ‘peripherals’ in a sentence | ‘peripherals’ example sentences

1- I do not have enough unused power sockets to plug in all my peripherals.

2- It could if you paired it with full-size peripherals, starting with a full-size keyboard.

3- 428305I use it to connect headphones and other peripherals to mobile devices and desktops.

4- Unreferenced Kempston Micro Electronics was an electronics company specialising in computer joysticks and related home computer peripherals during the 1980s.

5- The PS/2 peripherals were themselves replaced with USB -connected models.

6- peripherals Several new Apple-produced peripherals were developed for the Apple III.

7- A -5 rail was provided for peripherals on the ISA bus, but was not used by the motherboard.

8- The console versions of the game all include support for their respective mouse peripherals.

9- 1980s * Home computers often had incompatible peripherals such as joysticks, printers, or data recording (tape or disk).

10- JAMMA Video Standard JAMMA Video Standard (JAMMA VIDEO規格, JVS) is a newer JAMMA connector standard designed to use modern peripherals.

11- peripherals * As well as industry-standard Ethernet, Acorn’s own Econet was supported, including an IP over Econet transmission system.

12- Jasmine was a leading Macintosh peripherals developer that buckled under the weight of bitter lawsuits and mounting customer dissatisfaction.

13- Peripheral emulation services embedded in the hardware also provides continuous support where computers require constant communication with the peripherals.

14- Lego Rock Band allows one to four players to simulate the playing of rock music by providing the players with peripherals modeled after musical instruments.

15- Low power and customizable peripherals surround the powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor and enable fast autonomous operation and reduce the need for CPU.

16- The Arcade Card Pro is designed for the original PC-Engine CD-ROM² and Super CD-ROM² peripherals, adding the 2304 KB of RAM required by Arcade CD-ROM² games.

17- MCM’s products include: computer hardware and peripherals, security and surveillance, wire and cable, audio and video equipment, tools, test equipment and more http://investing.

18- The BPC was used in a wide range of HP computers, peripherals, and test equipment, until it was discontinued in the late 1980s.

19- The F1 series has evolved over time by increasing CPU speed, size of internal memory, variety of peripherals.

20- Sega has released some peripherals in bundles with their Wii games, so-far with older games ported to the Wii system.

21- Expanded memory uses parts of the address space normally dedicated to communication with peripherals for program memory as well.

22- A 68000 processor (known as the “Front-End Processor”, or FEP) started the main computer up, and handled the slower peripherals during normal operation.

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