patronizing in a sentence

Use ‘patronizing’ in a sentence | ‘patronizing’ example sentences

1- But patronizing pirate sites is beyond the pale .

2- I always was rather patronizing towards Anne.

3- The disciplinary board was controlling, patronizing & almost army like.

4- But that is a remarkably patronizing attitude.

5- Or perhaps she is merely patronizing me!

6- Olga seemed to be more patronizing than ever today.

7- It is this patronizing attitude that makes me angry .

8- Go too easy and you will appear patronizing .

9- It’s called being kind, not patronizing .

10- And I was patronizing the other shop.

11- Easy one, the tone is patronizing .

12- How patronizing (among other things).

13- I find the whole tone of this article problematic and patronizing .

14- How Democrats get away with these patronizing accents is unbelievable.

15- The last,two sentences in the report seem patronizing .

16- Many Atlantic politicians condemned the remark as patronizing and insensitive.

17- Sorry , I’m being really patronizing .

18- Schmidt’s tone was both apologetic and mildly patronizing .

19- The Colonel offered the General a patronizing smile.

20- The argument against Skeumorphism has typically been one of patronizing users.

21- Is this what we are patronizing now?

22- Nor do they need to be patronizing .

23- It’s tone is extremely saccharin and patronizing .

24- Felteau said she felt many of the assessors were patronizing .

25- Instead, we can route around them by patronizing alternative models.

26- Students then began patronizing Panama City where 500,000 visited in 2013.

27- However, it can serve as a patronizing experience.

28- He is patronizing and writes as if to instruct grade school kids.

29- Patronizing organizations that no longer respect this value sends the wrong message.

30- Yours is a patronizing , condescending lord.

31- Any other assertion is belittling and patronizing .

32- Critisizm of patronizing articles, is positive.

33- She’s so patronizing you’ve no idea.

34- It’s offensive and patronizing to say so.

35- The lead male- Jesse is portrayed as a patronizing older man.

36- I think that the whole “noble savage” thing is incredibly patronizing .

37- My code was described as very “simple” in a patronizing tone.

38- Are you patronizing me , Dan Stevens?

39- Her tone is wifely, concerned, but not patronizing .

40- What exactly did he see in this patronizing little squirt? Thank you very much for patronizing our store for a long time.

41- We have been patronizing this restaurant for years, and have become friends with the owners.

42- The doctor is very patronizing when he talks to me, and won’t really tell me what the matter is with my grandfather.

43- People are sometimes patronizing towards ESL students, treating them like they were a little stupid when they have difficulties expressing themselves in English.

44- “It’s patronizing, and you deserve to feel insulted by statements like that.”

45- Thank you oh so much for the patronizing need to have me state that for the record.

46- “I found the response to be patronizing, condescending and an insult to our intelligence.

47- Her default position toward me, as an African, was a kind of patronizing, well-meaning pity.

48- Hains said later the phone caller’s “tone was rough and patronizing, almost insulting.

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