patronizes in a sentence

Use ‘patronizes’ in a sentence | ‘patronizes’ example sentences

1- Anyone who participates and patronizes is complicit.

2- I ‘m glad the suburban stroller crowd patronizes the market on weekends.

3- How Robert (at Marlborough) patronizes him now.

4- However, they have only limited influence over who patronizes their establishment.

5- Sameera has an illegitimate child who is a part of the orphanage Samit patronizes .

6- Whenever possible, Kennedy ridicules, patronizes , and maligns Greeley’s literary work.

7- The old city also patronizes traditional Maharashtrian sports like Kabbaddi and Kho Kho.

8- Throughout these mountain villages and towns Jon routinely employs the locals or patronizes their businesses while conducting expeditions.

9- I go out and tend to the suffering populace and she sits at home and patronizes me.

10- In the “Flashpoint” universe, Harvey Bullock is a severe alcoholic who patronizes Montoya’s bar.

11- What happens when somebody patronizes a child is that the child in turn does some patronizing of the adults.

12- An icon of so much that the culture pretends to honor but that it in fact patronizes and exploits.

13- It was this reality that influenced Mr. Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain to establish a foundation that patronizes literature and honors the intellectuals.

14- Any therapist who scolds us, patronizes us, who leads us into feeling beholden to him is not being a healer.

15- The basic premise of the show is that music programming, by and large, patronizes the audience and seems to be made by people who stopped actually being interested in music, especially new and underground forms, long ago – TV people.

16- Part of that product is the legal system, or systems, of the courts it patronizes and under which its customers will consequently be judged.

17- Later speaking on the didactic reputation of children’s literature, Lyon reiterated how she cannot tolerate writing that patronizes children, noting that few topics should be off-limits and that “darkness is in the treatment” of subject matter.

18- Quote: I DID SAY “SCIENTIFICALLY BASED” (Contributor quoted here is telling the world what category of technical publication he patronizes ).

19- Ted’s grandmother than patronizes his mother, stating she forgot that she is old, and can’t even remember to put her teeth in.

20- Without that thorough investigation, an affirmative action plan risks bearing no relationship to the causes of discrimination and can become merely a rhetorical endorsement of equal opportunity that compiles aimless statistics and patronizes minorities and women.

21- When she learns that he is dating a woman older than her, she reacts with anger and threatens to strike him, but he patronizes her, calls her his “little mother”, and insists upon his autonomy from her.

22- In 1789, at the Royal Academy dinner, the Prince of Wales toasted “an English tradesman who patronizes art better than the Grand Monarque, Alderman Boydell, the Commercial Maecenas”.

23- Beautiful, earnest, and new to Blake’s world, Krystle finds a hostile reception in the Carrington household – the staff patronizes her, and Blake’s headstrong and promiscuous daughter Fallon (Pamela Sue Martin) resents her.

24- It not only encourages and patronizes agricultural products and livestock through the exhibitions of agricultural products and cattle but is also a colourful documentary on the rich cultural heritage of the Province with its strong rural roots.

25- Who knowingly patronizes if its host is frustrated with something , shares his feelings when the boss “is filled to the brim with joy,” sympathizes, saying, “I was there” when the boss tells him about their problems.

26- Ambition needs a temptation: it does not join a cause which is obscure and struggling, and whose success is doubtful; it strikes in when success is assured, and when the movement it patronizes is on the eve of its glorification.

27- [This movie just patronizes them.

28- When one of the drags patronizes her, she curses under her breath, “Cocky bitch!

29- He patronizes me…

30- “Seinfeld”: “The Note”, Kramer insists to Jerry, George, and Elaine that DiMaggio patronizes Dinky Donuts and “dunks” his donuts in coffee

31- Prof. Natesan ( Sathyaraj ), who is under fire from the local police for offering refuge to illegal immigrants from Lanka, patronizes Punitha and her mother.

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