patronized in a sentence

Use ‘patronized’ in a sentence | ‘patronized’ example sentences

1- Our products are patronized across various African countries.

2- They were rulers who patronized architectural activities.

3- I was looked down upon, judged and patronized constantly.

4- He had also patronized the local artists.

5- Catherine patronized arts, science and learning.

6- Well patronized is the countryside inn that now stands here.

7- Gross out movies were also patronized by younger audience.

8- He set up trusts and patronized sports and education.

9- Her short derisive laugh made him feel suitably patronized .

10- They are patronized by losers, not executives.

11- She also patronized printed books and their authors.

12- The Mongol rulers patronized the Yuan printing industry.

13- You’re telling me you’ve never patronized someone before?

14- He also enjoyed fine food, and patronized five-star restaurants.

15- Alexander was erudite and patronized both arts and sciences.

16- He was an enlightened ruler and patronized Arabic and Persian literature.

17- Rita walks into a bar patronized by a bunch of pigs.

18- It was patronized by the kings as well as village assemblies.

19- It was patronized by all denominations and the public in general.

20- He patronized many artists, poets and learned men in his court.

21- They were patronized by prominent Hamburg citizens and supported by paid admission.

22- He was well read himself and wrote poetry and patronized the arts.

23- The Louisiana line was lightly patronized , and was discontinued in 1878.

24- He patronized musicians, artists, dancers, and Vedic scholars.

25- Many people think children want to be patronized .

26- Readers don’t want to be patronized .

27- Bars and KTV are patronized until after midnight.

28- But, alas, my Chinese restaurant was skimpily patronized .

29- Only a handful of customers patronized the Glory Days Grill .

30- He also patronized Sindhi art, architecture and culture.

31- He patronized Mon scholars and artisans who emerged as the intellectual elite.

32- The Mughal emperors patronized Persian carpets for their royal courts and palaces.

33- More progressive tastes patronized the Barbizon school “plein-air” painters.

34- And those who support our constitution should be patronized with our dollars .

35- Jones and American rap artist Nelly patronized the club that evening.

36- Among the individuals he patronized was the famous playwright Pierre Corneille.

37- He patronized Shadwell; he wasn’t threatened.

38- He patronized many poets and scholars.

39- Jahangir patronized the European and Persian arts. Panama has a rich folk culture which is patronized by Panamanians at all levels of society.

40- The stores Rossen Reports patronized said they have many satisfied customers.

41- I asked the women at Sweetgreen if they ever patronized McDonald’s or similar restaurants.

42- In Hyderabad, as well as many other princely states, certain musicians, be it vocal or instrumental, were patronized by the ruler.

43- Besides, he patronized the arts and literature; and a collection of poems and eulogies dedicated to him was made and circulated in Baghdad.

44- Donaldson, 2011, p 44-52 President Franklin Roosevelt was a fan of folk music, hosted folk concerts at the White House and often patronized folk festivals.

45- The Temple has always been well patronized by worshippers.

46- The Emperor Hadrian patronized the young Marcus, and may have planned to make him his long-term successor.

47- ” Original Joe’s was featured in the 2007 film Zodiac as a restaurant patronized by Jake Gyllenhaal ‘s character.

48- Wallachian sovereigns were host commanders and supreme judges, they patronized the church and made decisions that became laws.

49- Kangra paintings belong to the school of Pahari paintings that were patronized by the Rajput rulers between the 17th and 19th centuries.

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