patriotically in a sentence

Use ‘patriotically’ in a sentence | ‘patriotically’ example sentences

1- He patriotically volunteers to challenge Rudolph to a statutory duel.

2- Corcoran and O’Brien both expressed themselves most patriotically .

3- After such a transition, Americans should celebrate by patriotically gorging on freedom fries.

4- Many watermen patriotically turned their barges over to government use during World War I.

5- The concerts of Agniashvili’s choir evoked very favourable comments from the patriotically minded Georgian public.

6- The noble women of Georgia have responded patriotically in furnishing socks, and they are daily coming in.

7- After the war this range was heavily marketed in North America (very patriotically ) as “England”.

8- The start of the Crimean War in 1854 caused a lull in party politics; Disraeli spoke patriotically in support.

9- The glorious AuSable River Queen is a double-decker, authentic paddle wheel patriotically painted in Red, White and Blue!

10- The President thought otherwise; and at his request General BURNSIDE has patriotically consented to remain at the head of his command.

11- Despite being hugely and patriotically English, I can only endorse the prescience of Kevin Myers in opting to live in Ireland.

12- When James was told that the French navy had beaten the English he commented patriotically , ‘It is the first time then,’ while William, as a face-saver, created Herbert first Earl of Torrington.

13- A plaque proudly calls the fossils “the single most important collection” in the world, noting patriotically that all were discovered in Kenya.

14- A huge militant anticommunist brigade throws in its support, patriotically willing to do anything to achieve “total victory” in the Cold War; the government advocates peaceful confrontation with international Communism, then utterly pillories and outlaws the tiny American Communist Party.

15- Bearers of this emblem are committed to conduct themselves honorably as Christian gentlemen in their private and public lives, as well as acting patriotically for the good of their nations.

16- One reason for the prompt and eager response to the National War Garden Commission’s appeal to “Sow the Seeds of Victory”: was that immediately after the United States entered the war everybody was patriotically desirous of rendering help in some form.

17- The young Fusiliers had been patriotically offered up for the politicians’ errors; they had even been bullied by the militant women brandishing their white feathers, and they went cheering, singing, promising to come home victoriously to the grime and love of their Lancashire womb.

18- While the overly patriotically clothed man didn’t exactly put his argument very eloquently, he did touch on a common fake ray bans dilemma we republican campaigners in the UK face.

19- John Buchan’s heroes and Sapper’s Bulldog Drummond were as patriotically gritty as he and deserved as well of their country, but their relations with women, if any, were models of chivalry and restraint.

20- In behalf of the destitute families of our gallant soldiers who appeal to the cotton spinners of Georgia, we appeal with confidence that they will not disappoint us, but will nobly and patriotically come to our aid in this our time of need.

21- Meanwhile, the leaders of the progressive movement are holding their tongues and speaking patriotically and flatteringly about the president and even his proxies.

22- The war was welcomed either patriotically , as a defensive one imposed by national necessity, or idealistically, as one for upholding right against might, the sanctity of treaties, and international morality.

23- The events whose misinterpretation gave rise to the legend of the German vote occurred in 1795, though the date is frequently changed to the more patriotically crucial year of 1776.

24- Several miles away from the presidential palace, anti-Morsi demonstrators started to congregate outside the ministry of defense building and were chanting patriotically .

25- Anglo-American published a large number of titles, including “Freelance”, “Grand Slam”, “Three Aces”, “Whiz”, “Captain Marvel” and “Atom Smasher”, but relied less on serials, and was less patriotically Canadian than its rival publishers.

26- Despite his previous reluctance to follow the path his father had had in mind for him in the army, and his desire to set up his own ranch in Rhodesia, Harris felt patriotically compelled to join the war effort.

27- Reluctant to return home to her parents or stay in the brothel, Lucy escapes by joining the Marine Corps to patriotically fight in the War of 1812.

28- He also shortened the prayer book (adopting Wise’s “Minhag America” version), added a late Friday night service, and created patriotically themed services for Thanksgiving and National Fast Day.

29- In the years 1861-1865 both made several attempts by the south-west ridge together but became progressively rivals, Carrel patriotically believing that a native Italian like himself and not an Englishman like Whymper should be the first to set foot on the summit.

30- This disposition took into account the growing despondence among the patriotically minded, who might have reverted to desperate means, if they were not given a lid to let off steam (Sanders, 2010; Sanders, 2012).

31- Publishers responded with stories in which superheroes battled the Axis Powers and the patriotically themed superheroes, most notably Marvel’s Captain America as well as DC’s Wonder Woman.

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