patrimonial in a sentence

Use ‘patrimonial’ in a sentence | ‘patrimonial’ example sentences

1- The state had a patrimonial structure of power.

2- This limitation prevented the continuous fragmentation of the patrimonial estate.

3- The harm must take the form of patrimonial loss.

4- Patrimonial rights protect men in relation to their goods.

5- The patrimonial system is a part of the system.

6- The State’s nature during the Piast dynasty was patrimonial .

7- This law effectively ended the practice of excluding women from inheriting patrimonial estates.

8- Slovene names on -ič do not necessarily have a patrimonial origin.

9- The entailed patrimonial lands automatically went to Bromley’s younger brother, George.

10- He did have large patrimonial estates in the Netherlands that now were forfeit.

11- In addition to this came the physical and patrimonial ravages of the war itself.

12- Vsevolod’s patrimonial domain was located in the northwestern part of the Vyatichi lands.

13- There is evidence of both a patrimonial and maternal relation to Mongol peoples of Mongolia.

14- The kinds of loss which arise if such risks eventuate may be either patrimonial or non-patrimonial.

15- The debate about the patrimonial identity of the “Diablada” concerns its roots as well.

16- The touristic rehabilitation offers the patrimonial interpretation of the nearby buildings at the time of its construction.

17- On the face of it, the contract does not purport to indemnify the insured against patrimonial loss.

18- The Argentine Constitution’s rights are divided in four groups: Civil, patrimonial , politic and social.

19- If meaningful change to the system is to take place it must be able to include the patrimonial system.

20- Contractual damages ( patrimonial loss from the breach of promise) are calculated on the basis of positive interest.

21- Following the continental European tradition of author’s rights, the law recognized moral and economic ( patrimonial ) rights.

22- A museum devoted to Simón Bolívar, his family and ancestors was built in Simón Bolívar’s patrimonial house.

23- Nothing more than patrimonial indemnity may be recovered, as is illustrated by the rules on over-insurance and double insurance.

24- While patrimonial quipu collections have not been accounted for in this database, their numbers are likely to be unknown.

25- The Kishinev community a ” Patrimonial Ring” (“Родовое Кольцо”) unites adherents of Slavic vernacular religion.

26- Now, however, patrimonial loss also includes monetary loss resulting from injury to the nervous system and pure economic loss.

27- An ongoing renovation project will give this building a new life whilst preserving its patrimonial character and adding a modern touch.

28- For patrimonial loss to be actionable in the case of emotional shock, it must have been intentionally or negligently inflicted.

29- One of these changes is a change in the patrimonial system which is provided for in Section10 (2).

30- With the Irish defeat in 1603, their power rapidly dwindled and they were deprived of most of their patrimonial possessions.

31- The “condictio furtiva” is used in cases where property has been stolen, in order to recover the patrimonial loss.

32- The patrimonial domain of his father was located in the northwestern part of the Vyatichi lands where he undoubtedly spent his childhood.

33- Free uses only related to limitations on the patrimonial rights of an author on a work; his moral rights remained untouched.

34- In traditional types of administration (feudal, patrimonial ), the inferior-superior relationship is personal, and the legitimation of authority is based on a belief in the sacredness of tradition.

35- This is evidenced by the fact that section 8 of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979 which deals with amendments, alterations and rescissions of orders to divorce decrees only covers amendments only pertaining to maintenance, custody, access etc. and not patrimonial assets e.g. immovable property.

36- Although legally speaking an alteration of the divorce settlement agreement inter partes, irrespective of the allocation in the divorce decree is permissible there is an indication that such alteration is only restricted to other aspects and patrimonial assets than immovable property.

37- His patrimonial estate (if it ever existed) was confiscated because, as he claimed, he was now an émigré ‘, having failed to return to France in the prescribed period.

38- If this is allowed to continue, he says, the result will be a ” patrimonial society,” in which wealth is passed on in ways that perpetuate the status quo over multiple generations.

39- Lutheran preachers marched from city to city of the Netherlands under the imperial banner, while the subjects of those patrimonial provinces were daily suffering on the scaffold for their nonconformity.

40- By Mrs. Emma Nozzi director proceeds to his rescue and exhibition as a historical and patrimonial vehicle in front “7 de Marzo” square.

41- These canons were gradually relaxed because of the difficulty of distinguishing between ecclesiastical and patrimonial property.

42- Fruela’s patrimonial lands contained some of Spain’s premier horse pastures, and he was able to give the queen a horse worth 5,000 solidi in 1116.

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