patient in a sentence 3

Use ‘patient’ in a sentence | ‘patient’ example sentences

101- The patient had to be woken at regular intervals to take his medicine.

102- Thank you for being patient as we respond to the high volume of calls.

103- The patient explained the symptoms she was experiencing to her doctor.

104- The patient required a course of antibiotics to overcome the infection.

105- The patient was awake and alert about 3 hours after undergoing surgery.

106- Only the patient’s immediate family is allowed to see him at this time.

107- The symptoms described by the patient point to a diagnosis of diabetes.

108- He fainted from the heat, but his wife’s patient nursing brought him to.

109- Discussion question: Are you generally a patient person, or an impatient person?The patient suffered a setback during the night, and death seems imminent.

110- Just before the surgery began, a tube was inserted into the patient’s nose.

111- The patient was admitted at 6:00 this morning, and died in hospital at noon.

112- The patient was diagnosed as a schizophrenic after reporting hearing voices.

113- The patient finally regained consciousness after being in a coma for a week.

114- The patient is bleeding internally, and needs to be operated on immediately.

115- The patient has made significant improvement since the operation was performed.

116- It took a few hours before the patient was conscious again after the operation.

117- The Princess’ spontaneous gesture of hugging the AIDS patient was very touching.

118- The patient’s condition has stabilized, and doctors say she is now out of danger.

119- The patient waited nervously for the doctor to tell her the results of her tests.

120- The patient was raving and incoherent and had to be given a shot to calm him down.

121- The patient’s outer ear canal was swollen shut, and was very painful to the touch.

122- The surgeon will use veins taken from the patient’s leg to bypass the blocked artery.

123- The patient had to go to different departments in the hospital for all kinds of tests.

124- An Arab proverb suggests that the remedy against bad times is to be patient with them.

125- The hospital patient dropped off shortly after the doctor injected him with anesthesia.

126- The dentist placed his instruments on the tray, and asked the patient to open his mouth.

127- An Afghan proverb advises, “Be patient with your enemies and forgiving of your friends.

128- “Taking care of the excretory needs of a patient you’ve just met is a very demanding job.

129- The more positive a patient is about his treatment, the better his chances for recovery.

130- The doctor rotated the patient’s shoulder to determine if there was any injury to the joint.

131- You’d better call a nurse right away, the patient in the next bed is having trouble breathing.

132- The patient was shuttled between different departments in the hospital for all kinds of tests.

133- The patient had a mild reaction to the medication – some drowsiness and a bit of a stomachache.

134- Margaret Thatcher once said, “I’m extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end.

135- “The doctor warned the patient not to do too much after the operation until his strength came back.

136- The doctor was sued by a patient who almost died after she was prescribed the wrong kind of medicine.

137- Voltaire said that the art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.

138- The patient’s bypass surgery was a great success, and he is feeling one hundred percent better already.

139- The doctors diagnosed kidney and liver dysfunction, so the patient had to get transplants or he would die.

140- In ancient China, doctors would only receive fees for their services if the patient stayed in good health.

141- The doctor said that the patient’s health has improved steadily since they put him on some new medication.

142- The patient was given water intravenously before and after the chemotherapy treatment to flush his kidneys.

143- Ignoring a cancer patient’s questions or concerns undermines his ability to deal properly with the disease.

144- The doctor has been monitoring the patient’s heart to see if there is a possibility of another heart attack.

145- The doctor warned the patient not to exert himself too much after the operation until his strength came back.

146- The patient had to ask the doctor to increase the dosage of her pain-killer so that she could get some sleep.

147- Ambrose Bierce said that a diagnosis is a physician’s forecast of the disease by the patient’s pulse and purse.

148- Following a preliminary diagnosis in his office, the doctor ordered a series of tests to be done on the patient.

149- Doctors need to detach themselves from their work somewhat, so as to not be too upset by the death of a patient.

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