paternal in a sentence

Use ‘paternal’ in a sentence | ‘paternal’ example sentences

1- The mother is safely placed under paternal control.

2- His paternal grandmother was a gifted pianist.

3- The risk is greater for advanced paternal age.

4- The paternal investment hypothesis is strongly supported by many evolutionary biologists.

5- A paternal uncle is grade three at nine months.

6- My paternal grandfather started the business in 1936.

7- The paternal age effect is of two different types.

8- A village consisted basically of a paternal clan.

9- This presumably mitigated any need for paternal approval.

10- His paternal grandmother is of German descent.

11- Her paternal grandparents were born in Scotland.

12- His paternal and maternal grandparents were Irish.

13- His paternal grandfather was a Baptist minister.

14- Its outlook is paternal , corporate and very long term.

15- Trump’s paternal grandparents were German immigrants.

16- Navarro’s paternal grandparents were Mexican immigrants.

17- Why does paternal Brimstone eternally require teeth–especially human ones?

18- Where was all my paternal dignity now?

19- The lineage is all paternal , hence the same surname.

20- The first male child was usually named after his paternal grandfather.

21- Age is also a significant predictor of paternal relationship types.

22- It dominates the paternal lineages there with extremely high frequencies.

23- At that stage there are paternal or fraternal relations.

24- He ruled over his subjects with paternal affection.

25- C.’s paternal grandmother applied for residence and contact.

26- It is carried by every member of the paternal family.

27- Evans’ father and both paternal uncles died of colorectal cancer.

28- He was named James after his paternal grandfather.

29- The census follows only the paternal origin of families.

30- Why is paternal involvement so linked with a college degree?

31- My father was a butcher as was my paternal grandfather.

32- In my paternal grandparents’ house, things were ordered differently.

33- Both of Ward’s paternal grandparents had been orphans.

34- Jones’ paternal grandfather came from Wales.

35- Abandoning ship meant fleeing paternal and patriarchal authority.

36- My paternal grandfather departed this life October 15, 1998.

37- Smaller, duller eggs garnered less paternal care.

38- Her paternal grandfather was Mohawk chief Smoke Johnson.

39- Sing’s paternal grandfather was See Sing.

40- Uncle Max is Calvin’s paternal uncle. 599657Sandy Halperin’s paternal grandmother Bessie, center, also had Alzheimer’s disease.

41- He grew up as a happy-go-lucky kid, his paternal grandmother, Florence Odom, 89, said this week.

42- Seen here is Cooper’s paternal grandmother, Hannah, standing in front of her Nebraska home in 1943.

43- He has Japanese ancestors on his maternal side and Spanish ancestors on his paternal side.

44- Hence female soma line cells have 3 pairs of autosomes and one maternal and one paternal X chromosome.

45- Accomplished artists Sloan Wainwright and David Roche are her paternal aunt and maternal uncle, respectively.

46- Vor tradition provides that the first born son has the paternal grandfather’s first name, which in this case is Ezar.

47- Therefore, surnames can be very long if both paternal and maternal surnames are required when filling out a form for example.

48- Formed and educated in the noble paternal home, where they did not lack riches nor virtue, he gave proofs of a spirit, very open to study and to piety.

49- On May 29, 2001, Bush was charged with another misdemeanor attempting to use a fake ID (with the name Barbara Pierce, her paternal grandmother’s maiden name) to purchase alcohol.

50- Pir Qureshi did have sons but not paternal grandsons.

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