pasturage in a sentence

Use ‘pasturage’ in a sentence | ‘pasturage’ example sentences

1- They may travel considerable distances seeking water and pasturage .

2- The surrounding district is extremely rich and affords luxuriant pasturage “.

3- It still affords the best pasturage in the south quarter.

4- Here there is pasturage for nomadic flocks and herds.

5- Sharecropping increased utilising land that had been for animal pasturage .

6- Of the remainder, a large portion is used as pasturage .

7- The sahelian zone is ideal for pasturage .

8- The crossing was used for pasturage for sheep in the high meadows.

9- Their summer pasturages are today used by Sami originating in Kautokeino.

10- Horses, yaks and camels graze on the rich pasturage .

11- It is widely grown primarily for hay, pasturage , and silage.

12- Outsettis, 187, Pasturage , old custom of, 123.

13- Animals (domestic) temporarily exported for pasturage purposes and returned within eight months.

14- Meadow areas were also used as pasturage ‘when the hay crop had been removed.

15- Economy is sustained by agriculture and pasturage , but scarcity of water restrict wide scale farming.

16- Stono Mountain, embraced in this section, is said to afford excellent sheep pasturage .

17- Pasturage was held in common.

18- Agriculture includes forests and mountain pasturage in summer, particularly of cows, sheep and goats.

19- Some areas of good pasturage cannot be used because of lack of drinking water.

20- Herds of cattle, sheep, and goats move across this zone in search of pasturage .

21- The Wallachians engaged mainly in mountain pasturage , were probably also familiar with some forms of agriculture.

22- Next to the confluence site there is a large pasturage on the bank where cows are seen grazing.

23- It is reported that the pasturage is good and that there are large and fine farms in Greenland.

24- He farms 225 acres, and rents 100 acres in Concession 3 from John Brown, for pasturage .

25- Lot, generously given the choice by his uncle, selects the fertile pasturage of the Jordan Valley.

26- The higher grounds contain much good pasturage , with heavy flocks of sheep, blackfaced being the principal breed.

27- The land for tillage was closely subdivided, the pasturage and forest lands were held and used in common.

28- Rotation of pasturage is a modern technique for improving nutrition and health while avoiding environmental damage to the land.

29- In a now arid environment where arable land and pasturage were once at a premium, the population grew.

30- They build the houses in a cluster on flat land close to the pasturage , with supporting structures nearby.

31- In the populated Adrar and Tagant plateaus, springs and wells provide water for pasturage and some agriculture.

32- In either case, Leapor maintains that common pasturage should not be turned to the sole benefit of anyone.

33- Farewell to this pasturage !

34- The country was poor, and through what is called campos–i.e. rolling plains, with a coarse pasturage .

35- Despite concentration of holdings, Badger’s landscape remains mainly one of farms, predominantly arable but with considerable pasturage .

36- The Sarmatians requested that Diocletian either help them recover their lost lands or grant them pasturage rights within the empire.

37- Green Hill ; a favourite pasturage ground above the Erme, between the Black Lane Brook and Red Lake. In 1851, William White reported that Brewood parish contained 6718 acres of arable land, 4040 of pasturage, and 1090 of woods, etc..

38- In June 1835, John Batman followed a similar route and remarked of Keilor that it was the “Most beautiful sheep pasturage I ever saw in my life”.

39- In his diary Escalante called the basin “a fine plain abounding in pasturage and fertile, arable land, provided it were irrigated.

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