parties in a sentence

Use ‘parties’ in a sentence | ‘parties’ example sentences

1- Opposition political parties were neither permitted nor tolerated.

2- Before long having elegant tea parties was very fashionable.

3- The right working relationship benefits both parties .

4- Several parties united together under “umbrella” parties.

5- Several parties united together under “umbrella” parties .

6- Only parties above 5% are included.

7- Other political parties received considerably less coverage.

8- The opposition was divided between four parties .

9- The major political parties may move further apart.

10- Street parties were curtailed until public safety issues were addressed.

11- The three confessional parties won 50 seats.

12- Court costs were split between both parties .

13- About twenty minor opposition parties are registered.

14- Major government parties were becoming more radical.

15- The government partially funded legal opposition parties .

16- He should serve all political parties alike.

17- All interested parties are welcome to attend.

18- Stop turning down invitations to networking parties .

19- How many dinner parties those walls must have entertained.

20- Two scouting parties found big groups of wolves.

21- Established parties many regulations on private issues enterprise.

22- They hated political parties but parties nonetheless emerged.

23- They hated political parties but parties nonetheless emerged.

24- Smaller parties have had ethnically diverse candidates.

25- There are four parties to every dialogue.

26- The five parties must learn from experience.

27- If the offer is rejected both parties receive nothing.

28- Secrets such as surprise birthday parties are fun.

29- Payment agreements are legally binding contracts between two parties .

30- He had criticisms for both political parties .

31- The various parties reached agreement at last.

32- Such talk has alarmed lawmakers of both parties .

33- He has no right against third parties .

34- Together both parties form a great coalition.

35- Often used for consensus building between previously antagonistic parties .

36- Their rug and fairy parties are elaborate.

37- All parties must dine off the same menu.

38- The answer lies in trusted 3rd parties .

39- There are way too many cocktail parties .

40- The county where the parties last resided together. She expends her energy on parties.

41- He mediated between the two parties.

42- An agreement binding on both parties.

43- They love to give parties all the time.

44- The two parties allied to defeat the bill.

45- Both parties took a step towards a solution.

46- She is very shy and feels ill at ease at parties.

47- Most dinner parties break up about eleven o’clock.

48- I like to serve unusual foods at my dinner parties.

49- I very much like going to parties and meeting people.

50- He is considered to be one of the interested parties.

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