particularizing in a sentence

Use ‘particularizing’ in a sentence | ‘particularizing’ example sentences

1- In religion, mind feels the superiority of itself to the particularizing limitations of finite things.

2- I read Erikson as both enlarging and particularizing the idea of adaptation as Hartmann had left it.

3- I say I would like to speak in praise of these men, particularizing their deeds, but I am unprepared.

4- So I’m not particularizing this to Chuck, but the pollsters and the press don’t decide who shows up.

5- Then there’s New Zealand light – intense, clear, particularizing , ruthless, unlike any I’ve ever previously known.

6- Juxtaposing poetry and painting “keeps shifting the emotional center,” says Mr. Creeley, “particularly working with someone like Clemente, with such affective particularizing imagery.

7- A great many of the physical features of polymer composites are shared by all composite materials and we shall devote the largest part of this chapter to the topic of the mechanical properties of composites in general before particularizing on the features peculiar to polymers.

8- At a 1997 conference on “Globalization and Indigenous Culture,” Robertson said that glocalization “means the simultaneity — the co-presence — of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies.

9- Much of Said’s criticism of Western Orientalism is based on particularizing trends also present in Asian works by Indian, Chinese, and Japanese writers and artists, in their views of Western culture and tradition.

10- A principal advantage of particularizing the meaning of dignity at stake in a specific context is that it enables another person to say that something important has been left out of the analysis.

11- org and Moz + hubspot also an example of community that goes about a more generic approach and not particularizing the brand.

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