particularize in a sentence

Use ‘particularize’ in a sentence | ‘particularize’ example sentences

1- His experience had become “extremely restricted and particularized .

2- MM He particularized steps and processes of preconditions .

3- Grice also distinguishes between generalized and particularized conversational implicature.

4- Sovereignty in own sphere applies to particularized meaning of the law-spheres.

5- DUI checkpoints necessarily involve temporary detentions made on absolutely no particularized suspicion of criminal activity.

6- particularized meaning is related to sovereignty within a sphere (I, 71).

7- The landscape is particularized , and with characteristics that indicate a specific place and environment.

8- And now beg leave to particularize some instances which will confirm what is before asserted.

9- Dooyeweerd emphasizes here that the fullness of meaning particularizes itself into the diversity of meaning.

10- Principles in the normative aspects of temporal reality are particularized in this process of positivization.

11- In religion, mind feels the superiority of itself to the particularizing limitations of finite things.

12- In true confession a man particularizes sin A wicked man acknowledges he is a sinner in general.

13- Apple has failed to make a particularized showing how this information would be detrimental if revealed.

14- I, 44 Philosophical knowledge cannot remain stuck within the particularized meaning of the logical aspect.

15- It involved a renunciation of salvation in favor of the groundless and always only particularized grace.

16- The door and the lead are immediately in front of her and become particularized in the poem.

17- All three have extremely particularized features, leaving little room for doubt that they were drawn from life.

18- Indeed, the big Other “is” the symbolic insofar as it is particularized for each subject.

19- I read Erikson as both enlarging and particularizing the idea of adaptation as Hartmann had left it.

20- It is creativity that particularizes the common, fitting together the usual and the unusual in each situation.

21- Courts will deny requests when the warrant fails to describe in particularized detail the person to be arrested.

22- Apple has failed to make a particularized showing of harm that would result if these statements were revealed .

23- Some have claimed that liberalism grants freedom unless the action interferes with others in a concrete and particularized way.

24- With co-creation, a company adroitly ingrains their offering into consumer life and harnesses and appropriates their particularized ingenuity.

25- These items are the equivalent of a closed container, and have traditionally been searched at the border without particularized suspicion.

26- particularized meaning is subject to differentiated laws, by which meaning is “limited and determined (I, 51).

27- Only in transcending particularized meaning can I obtain an actual view of the totality of meaning that transcends such particularized meaning.

28- Only in transcending particularized meaning can I obtain an actual view of the totality of meaning that transcends such particularized meaning.

29- I say I would like to speak in praise of these men, particularizing their deeds, but I am unprepared.

30- We give an account of the insufficiency and restlessness of all particularized meaning (WdW I, 49-51).

31- So I’m not particularizing this to Chuck, but the pollsters and the press don’t decide who shows up.

32- Facebook argued that it need not define the exact contours of the protected material because copyright claims do not require particularized allegations.

33- Then there’s New Zealand light – intense, clear, particularizing , ruthless, unlike any I’ve ever previously known.

34- Irrationalistic life-philosophy will not be convinced that its own standpoint is rooted in an absolutization of the synthesis of abstracted particularized meaning .

35- Each procedure is particularized , but as a guide we quote around 50-60 liters of filtered water is used for every procedure.

36- However, Mexico is so rich in traditions, that when I particularize this one it is only because we live on the site where the event took place. . . .

37- We do this by directing our attention to the totality of meaning to which the restlessness of particularized meaning refers . Thus we discover the relativity of our theoretical thought, and direct it to the totality of meaning.

38- This will is known in a more universal fashion among the highest choirs of angels, whereas among the angels of the lower choirs this law is more particularized .

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