Use ‘participants’ in a sentence | ‘participants’ example sentences
99- The participants kept sleep diaries for a week and calculated their weekday sleep debt.
100- For that much, participants receive the exclusive opportunity to spend even more money.
101- 771519The project gives the participants a sense of purpose and independence, she said.
102- All the participants were thrown into the river in an area where the rapids were strong.
103- Taking a bow, he garnered roaring applause, as did all other participants Tuesday night.
104- But, in fact, the participants responded to the prison environment in all sorts of ways.
105- Everyone is invited to take part in the attempt, and there is no charge for participants.
106- 451856Lamar Gives 365 needs to recruit 86 more participants by Oct. 1 to reach its goal.
107- Startup-related events are also very common and attract a growing number of participants.
108- To some participants, it felt more like a routine practice than basketball enlightenment.
109- participants come to a site each morning and evening to blow into an alcohol breath test.
110- Hot tubs and heated tents were set up for participants to warm up in right after the jump.
111- With participants coming from all over the country, it offers easy access by air and rail.
112- All participants said they had returned to work, a finding that Goodman called reassuring.
113- 95735A weekend march and rally in downtown St. Louis draws several thousand participants.
114- As you might expect, the story shortened over time as participants forgot certain details.
115- participants are then presented with three different paid options as follows: View gallery.
116- Through the youth clinics, participants are encouraged to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
117- Please treat other participants with respect and in a way that you would want to be treated.
118- ‘Some participants I had spoken to had never met their pharmacist,’ says the study’s author.
119- The average wealth for participants in the study was $6.8 million and the average age was 38.
120- participants included regional police officers, university student groups and thrill seekers.
121- participants must raise £100 in sponsorship and it costs £30 to register – £15 for under-18s.
122- This is the seventh year of the Philly Naked Bike Ride, which draws about 3,000 participants.
123- On average, participants recognized about seven out of nine common cancer signs and symptoMs. 372381In the end, the meeting participants agree on creating space for 40,000 asylum-seekers.
124- 26979A Greek official later said the participants would now be known as the ‘Brussels Group’.
125- participants also have access to health coaches who provide live support whenever it’s needed.
126- participants also noted Japan’s position of imposing consumption taxes on trading of bitcoins.
127- participants receive a gift bag and autographed baseball and photo from each celebrity golfer.
128- “Marcus also signed a football after touring our bakery and visiting with program participants.
129- 868715Tour participants will also meet with and view their congressmen and senators in action.
130- U.S. officials have previously said that each training class could have up to 300 participants.
131- The race will start and end at the downtown library depot, taking participants around the town.
132- participants in the workshop were exposed to diversity using hands-on techniques and exercises.
133- But earnings weakness could make jittery market participants question valuations all over again.
134- The study was validated through the analysis of a new and independent sample of 27 participants.
135- participants are being encouraged to bring banners and placards with political messages as well.
136- Two participants told CNN there were some pointed questions in the call but said was not hostile.
137- But this is the first time participants can see the Crater Glacier up close on a single-day hike.
138- Shortly thereafter, an altercation between two riders was broken up by other parade participants.
139- Researchers grouped the types of foods the participants regularly ate into five dietary patterns.
140- The participants also completed a questionnaire intended to measure their symptoms of depression.
141- Below, you can see photos of some of the participants, and hear their stories in their own words.
142- There was the Kid’s Table Debate-despite the relatively advanced age of most of the participants.
143- All participants‘ blood sugar levels were tested before and after the three hours, on both trials.
144- “I want to help find opportunities for people to become active participants in their communities.”
145- It passed in the House of Deputies, the voting body of clergy and lay participants at the meeting.
146- Five of the participants who in July said they expected two rate hikes this year now see only one.
147- participants talk to someone in another country for 20 minutes in immersive full-body video chats.
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