Use ‘parliament’ in a sentence | ‘parliament’ example sentences
1- Elections were held every four years unless parliament was dissolved earlier.
2- The parliament had previously rejected similar legislation four times.
3- Getting legislation through parliament is often the easy part.
4- The elected parliament is more and more discredited.
5- Bush arguably wrote the health parliament matched.
6- In attendance are 411 members of parliament .
7- Three opposition parties are set to enter parliament .
8- parliament passed several laws on judicial reform.
9- Legislation was subsequently passed through parliament naming him explicitly.
10- The parliament always following the strongest side.
11- A national parliament was elected in 1961.
12- Two measures were passed through parliament to assist.
13- The board of parliament registers each parliamentary group.
14- parliament is clearly a very important institution.
15- The parliament elections were held in 1920.
16- The abolitionist appeal in parliament revealed subtle differences.
17- Its parliament has put off debate until next year.
18- In 1642 came civil war between king and parliament .
19- The election result was a “hung parliament “.
20- It had a stormy passage through parliament .
21- So far parliament hasn’t approved funding.
22- Compromise between parliament‘s 29 parties had become impossible.
23- parliament has been suspended indefinitely since early August .
24- The role of parliament is significant on trade.
25- I trust the right employee in parliament .
26- Why were parliaments themselves put under a royal ban or inhibition?
27- The political wing had elected politicians entitled to sit in parliament .
28- There are a couple of repressive laws moving through parliament .
29- There was no attempt to mislead parliament .
30- And one percent usually means seats in parliament .
31- Public debate in 27 parliaments has unfortunately only made matters worse.
32- parliament has held the power of impeachment since medieval times.
33- Article 12 gives national parliaments limited involvement in the legislative process.
34- This promised a constitutional monarchy and elected parliament .
35- The protesters accused members of parliament of being “thieves”.
36- parliament therefore passed legislation that reserved the necessary area.
37- parliament had not met since the 2006 coup.
38- The same thing should prevail in the federal parliament .
39- It was released for consideration by republican parliaments .
40- Such punishment could include being banned from parliament . Again, parliament rejected this on the basis of abrogation of medical confidentiality for no evidence-based purpose.
41- The Lord Keeper was dispatched to the parliament House with message after message, all of which, though couched in varying tones of entreaty, self-abasement , or command, equally displayed the agitation of the King’s mind.
42- parliament is now in session.
43- He was elected a member of parliament.
44- BraveSentryThe queen is going to address parliament next week.
45- This session of parliament will begin on September 2nd.
46- The debate in parliament today was particularly heated.
47- parliament breaks for its summer recess in a week’s time.
48- parliament has begun debate on amending the Constitution.
49- The issue was debated in parliament without being resolved.
50- The Queen was escorted into parliament by the Prime Minister.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
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