paraquat in a sentence

Use ‘paraquat’ in a sentence | ‘paraquat’ example sentences

1- Which government agents applied paraquat on pot plants?

2- paraquat is an acutely toxic weed killer.

3- Research on animals had already linked paraquat to Parkinson’s.

4- The herbicide paraquat is suspected to be one such factor.

5- Scientists first tested paraquat in rodents, but the findings were inconclusive.

6- She injected mice with paraquat and the fungicide maneb.

7- Alone, paraquat and maneb did not harm mice in her laboratory.

8- I have momentarily a few paraquat later and he obviating the dose more legally.

9- paraquat (a herbicide) has been associated with increased prevalence of Parkinsonism.

10- China is the world’s largest producer of paraquat , manufacturing 100,000 tons per year.

11- paraquat and maneb are unlikely to be the only combination with such a devastating effect.

12- They suspected this had something to do with an herbicide called paraquat that farmers were using.

13- The main use of pyridine is as a precursor to the herbicides paraquat and diquat.

14- The most dramatic damage was in mice exposed to maneb as fetuses and then to paraquat as adults.

15- Mitochondrial function and cellular damage were partially rescued after siRNA knockdown of α-synuclein in fibroblasts after paraquat treatment.

16- paraquat is a nonselective contact herbicide used for no-till burndown and in aerial destruction of marijuana and coca plantings.

17- Another herbicide is paraquat .

18- You don’t dash into breakfast and slop paraquat over the wife’s Frosties, while hurling abuse at her.

19- Hi, I have just seen your comment about ‘Operation paraquat : The Battle for South Georgia’.

20- Previous research on animals has linked paraquat to Parkinson’s disease, so it is restricted to use by certified applicators.

21- The sensitivity of these mice to gamma-irradiation and paraquat was compared to wild type mice and transgenic mice that overexpress catalase.

22- There must be something she ate that would act as a cover for paraquat or whatever he was going to use.

23- Furthermore, these fibroblasts proved to be more sensitive to the effects of the neurotoxin and herbicide paraquat compared to controls.

24- But hares were declining before paraquat was introduced, and the effects of agricultural chemicals on wildlife are notoriously difficult to assess.

25- Knockout mice of any SOD enzyme are more sensitive to the lethal effects of superoxide-generating drugs, such as paraquat and diquat.

26- Submerged plants already are ‘stressed’, from exposure to such organic chemicals as polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT, and other herbicides such as paraquat .

27- Hares (but not rabbits) are particularly vulnerable to paraquat , a herbicide often applied to stubble in the autumn so that it can be easily burned.

28- Sun Jing points out that this will not only protect farmers in China, but also in countries such as Laos, Vietnam, and the United States that purchase paraquat from China.

29- In April 2012, their efforts bore fruit: The Chinese government announced the country will halt all production and use of liquid paraquat by 2016.

30- Unfortunately, it has recently been announced that resistance in rigid ryegrass to paraquat , as well as glyphosate , has been confirmed in a vineyard in Western Australia.

31- The analysis also projects that Kauai would rank second nationally for methomyl, fifth for metolachlor, sixth for alachlor, ninth for paraquat , and 23rd for atrazine.

32- Jervis also noted that the air quality study did not even try to look for more than 30 specific pesticides that have been used at the GMO test fields since 2007, including two of the most dangerous, paraquat , a weed-killer, and methomyl, an insecticide.

33- So far, animal tests have implicated the pesticides paraquat , rotenone, dieldrin and maneb – alone or in combination – as well as industrial compounds called PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls.

34- The formula for the heroin compound, the chemist said, “looks just like paraquat .” paraquat has been one of the world’s most popular weedkillers for decades.

35- The formula for the heroin compound, the chemist said, “looks just like paraquat.” paraquat has been one of the world’s most popular weedkillers for decades.

36- In one case, a man died after being splashed in the face with paraquat when he dropped an open container of the substance.

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