paraplegics in a sentence

Use ‘paraplegics’ in a sentence | ‘paraplegics’ example sentences

1- The title is a metaphor, the protagonists are paraplegics .

2- For services to paraplegics , sport and medicine.

3- Consequently, it is not the ideal sport for most paraplegics .

4- Bad paraplegics are people like me , the ones who deserve it.

5- Wandercraft is especially interested in cases of paraplegics and certain forms of myopathy.

6- Now , he is trying to develop a robotic exoskeleton enabling paraplegics to walk.

7- Good paraplegics are people who fall off ladders while vaccinating entire villages in war-torn countries .

8- Subscribe For More of The Craziest News Videos Ground-breaking robotic legs help paraplegics walk again .

9- Diabetics and paraplegics who have no sense of feeling in their feet are especially at risk.

10- Parker Hannifin Indego Exoskeleton: an electrically powered system for paraplegics to walk with crutches.

11- Retrograde ejaculation often occurs in diabetics, paraplegics , and men taking blood pressure medication (antihypertensives).

12- The white-headed capuchin’s intelligence and ability to use tools allows them to be trained to assist paraplegics .

13- A New Zealand company invents robotic exoskeleton , also known as Rex, to allow paraplegics to walk again.

14- There are, however, no prosthetic limbs among them, no witnesses to paraplegics whose lost limbs were restored.

15- The family included adopted children who were paraplegics and others afflicted by polio , spina bifida , paralysis and blindness .

16- The National Spinal Cord Injury Association pursues resolution of issues related to the everyday lives of paraplegics and quadriplegics.

17- In the 1940s Ludwig Guttmann introduced a program of turning paraplegics every two hours thus allowing bedsores to heal.

18- Subsequently, if they are destroyed later, the loss is usually permanent, as in the case of paraplegics .

19- Adapting (Will Humphrey) – Weld, East Wing There are over 230,000 paraplegics in the United States alone.

20- Its exoskeleton suit uses computers and motion sensors to allow paraplegics to walk with motorized legs that power knee and hip movement .

21- In his speech, he told the audience that he hoped the general public would continue to support paraplegics and their movement.

22- Freaks showcases possibly the most bizarre revenge in film history against a too-powerful female: Olga Baclanova is attacked by pinheads and paraplegics and turned into a duck woman!

23- The Guardian piece praises his record of prediction, rather oddly quoting in support his prediction that by the year 2000 paraplegics would be walking with robotic leg prostheses – something that in 2014 has still not happened.

24- Taking a wheelchair and car interior as an integrated whole for use by paraplegics has resulted in a challenging and much to be encouraged proposal that demands the development of a further model for production line cars.

25- paraplegics , quadriplegics, and anyone with severely limited mobility are also highly vulnerable to these chronic skin wounds as well as pressure ulcers and bedsores.

26- The X1 exoskeleton is designed to assist paraplegics with walking, and can also be set to provide walking exercise for able-bodied astronauts.

27- He left the show after only two months due to an incident involving a group of paraplegics who had been invited to appear on the program.

28- Sit-ski development continued into the 1980s, with a more modern version demonstrated in Engelberg, Switzerland in 1987 at a workshop hosted by the Swiss Association of paraplegics .

29- One must note that the paraplegics did have an initial decrease in life happiness, but the key to their findings is that they eventually returned to their baseline in time.

30- Similarly, they found that a few years after the accident, the paraplegics reported similar levels of happiness in life to before the accident (i.e. they were no less happy with their lives than they were before the accident).

31- In the aforementioned Brickman study (1978), researchers interviewed 22 lottery winners and 29 paraplegics in order to determine their change in happiness levels due to their given event (winning lottery or becoming paralyzed).

32- In 1988, the lumbar anterior root implant and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) facilitated standing and walking, respectively, for a group of paraplegics .

33- Well, the latest pacemakers now have a short-hop radio link, and in the past month there have been reports of paraplegics with silicon brain implants able to control computers, and artificial retinas restoring sufficient sight for someone totally blind to recognize letters of the alphabet.

34- From or with the aid or use of a car or other motor-driven land conveyance, or any aircraft, except that paraplegics and single or double amputees of the legs may take from any stationary motor vehicle or stationary motor-driven land conveyance.

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