paranormal in a sentence

Use ‘paranormal’ in a sentence | ‘paranormal’ example sentences

1- The paranormal problem page looks at suicide haunts.

2- This gothic paranormal adventure was very imaginative and dark.

3- There seems little doubt that something genuinely paranormal was happening.

4- The villain here was an incredibly interesting paranormal being.

5- It has been featured on various paranormal television programmes.

6- The city is full of paranormal things.

7- The programme makers used many examples of allegedly paranormal phenomena.

8- A correlation has been found between paranormal belief and irrational thinking.

9- Stacey writes young adult paranormal romance and adult science fiction romance.

10- He simply has these wonderful paranormal powers .

11- This story should thrill any paranormal and urban fantasy fan.

12- Her followers were convinced that she possessed paranormal abilities.

13- The paranormal activity witnessed in this pub is spectacular.

14- The city is full of mystery and paranormal things.

15- He reported no paranormal phenomena while inside the house.

16- She began writing paranormal futuristic novels of romantic suspense in 1996.

17- Regular people tracking malevolent paranormal activity is simple to understand .

18- The same holds true for abilities that are considered paranormal .

19- The entire area is thick with the paranormal .

20- That’s when paranormal investigators got involved.

21- A spiritual gathering, a paranormal gathering?

22- I highly recommend Touch to paranormal romance lovers!

23- paranormal activity is widely reported here and very intense.

24- It’s a paranormal romance for teens.

25- Do they induce paranormal , spiritual or mystical experiences?

26- Cold spots are another sign that paranormal investigators look for.

27- The idea of a modern Japanese paranormal is enticing.

28- My conclusion is that there is no paranormal activity present.

29- In other words, they claim paranormal powers.

30- They are dealing with something that is very big and paranormal .

31- Meanwhile, the paranormal activity grows and gets more intense.

32- Gettysburg College has reportedly been the site of much paranormal activity.

33- Some scientists have criticised the media for promoting paranormal claims.

34- Scientific evidence does not support the existence of paranormal phenomena.

35- Popular culture and folklore often make reference to paranormal phenomena subjects.

36- The paranormal was a frequent topic on his radio shows.

37- This story is primarily a paranormal mystery with cowboys and dragons.

38- Two paranormal experts examine Robert the Doll.

39- Most Haunted is a British paranormal reality television series. He was a lifelong believer in the occult and claimed to have personal encounters with the paranormal.

40- A Arthur “Art” Drake – Art first appeared in the book, The paranormal Puppet Show.

41- Klimo, Jon. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from paranormal Sources.

42- Secondly, he goes on to show a popular video, often a paranormal or viral video which is ‘too good to be true.

43- “, in which he uses paranormal powers to save the Junior Woodchucks from catastrophe, only to voluntarily relinquish them for the sake of hard work and friendship.

44- She used her paranormal skills to send messages to her mother and Ethan.

45- paranormal Evidence: Door opens by itself before they start investigating.

46- Nalini Singh is a New Zealand author of numerous paranormal romance novels.

47- A number of paranormal groups investigate the Inn on the 17 March but evidence is generally inconclusive.

48- ‘Xenoglossy’ in The Encyclopedia of the paranormal Linguist William Samarin drew the same conclusion as Thomason.

49- A paranormal group was to have investigated this, but nothing was said about any results from the group’s investigation.

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