paranoiacs in a sentence

Use ‘paranoiacs’ in a sentence | ‘paranoiacs’ example sentences

1- All power is in the hands of paranoiacs .

2- For the most part, these paranoiacs are harmless and usually elderly.

3- When one reads her work it appears to resemble the monotonous gibberings of paranoiacs in the private wards of asylums.

4- The problem is that those Gen. IV types won’t ever be built, because paranoiacs like you end up making policy.

5- If before 1933 the paranoiacs dominated the Nazi movement, after 1933 they dominated German society – meaning that their vision of reality and course of action became prevalent.

6- Personally, I don’t believe in the internment camp meme so popular among the doomer paranoiacs , but surely a lot of people will be cooling their heels in some slammer – while many other miscreants will just get away with crimes against persons and property.

7- It is a common complaint of institutionalized paranoiacs in the West that they are perfectly sane and being persecuted by psychiatrists; in certain socialist utopias in the East it is sometimes the literal truth.

8- Is that why you ‘re so reluctant to really lower the boom on these control freak, paranoiacs running this Avalanche ship of fools?

9- If I find out the NSA is listening to MY phone calls and reading MY emails , I will yell as loudly as all you paranoiacs here.

10- It ‘s quite difficult to trace the mesh but all this project needs at least tens of paranoiacs around the city that keep the mesh routers up and running.

11- ‘Male nurses, schizophrenics, psychiatrists, paranoiacs , pathologists, homicidal maniacs, keepers and attendants.’

12- He never favoured the communist philosophy and was eloquent in his attacks on communists, whom he once called, “Pathological exhibits… human scum… paranoiacs , degenerates, morons, bludgers… pack of dingoes… industrial outlaws and political lepers… ratbags.

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