paranoiac in a sentence

Use ‘paranoiac’ in a sentence | ‘paranoiac’ example sentences

1- All power is in the hands of paranoiacs .

2- They pass their days taking drugs and having long, paranoiac conversations.

3- paranoiac as one in possession of the facts.

4- For the most part, these paranoiacs are harmless and usually elderly.

5- Could be relevant and contributory to a paranoiac state of mind .

6- A second incident subsequently occurred furthering Thaw’s paranoiac obsession with White.

7- Yes, we can be paranoiac .

8- The documentary makers meet like a secret cabal, a paranoiac‘s worst nightmare.

9- The CanSecWest articles have you looking like a paranoiac with a tin foil hat.

10- A mismatch which understandably leads to this pain fueled, paranoiac rejection of all the science involved.

11- They shared with the rest of their race an almost paranoiac fear and hatred for the informer.

12- First you call these people what they are : anti-social personalities with an extremely distorted, paranoiac worldview.

13- Here we suspect that he is a paranoiac , that he suffers from a ‘persecution complex’.

14- I am a paranoiac .

15- She has welcomed the oppressed and disowned of the world to this paranoiac dreamscape for nearly a hundred years.

16- Most of my friends are thin, and sometimes I have this paranoiac feeling that they are using me.

17- The elaborate puns on getting stoned combine a sense of paranoiac persecution with “nudge-nudge wink-wink bohemian hedonism”.

18- Canetti presented Hitler as the paranoiac ruler of crowds, fascinated by the size of the crowds he commands.

19- John Highham described anti-Catholicism as “the most luxuriant, tenacious tradition of paranoiac agitation in American history”.

20- Such as “friendly fire” – to express they are so paranoiac they tend to shoot their own allies.

21- It has got to be better than all these little bureaucratic fiefdoms exerting paranoiac control over their bits of data.

22- Goldstein reported that, as a result of this report, “she was regarded at first as a paranoiac .

23- When one reads her work it appears to resemble the monotonous gibberings of paranoiacs in the private wards of asylums.

24- As an old-fashioned thriller, it’s relentless, tense and deliciously paranoiac , with more twists than a Twizzler.

25- Four years sounds about right for weird paranoiac metastasis to convert a lack of concern for others into desperate concern for oneself.

26- The problem is that those Gen. IV types won’t ever be built, because paranoiacs like you end up making policy.

27- There is the almost paranoiac feeling that the machines will take over; artefacts will be designed and produced without human control.

28- You may not love this fact, sorry, but i cannot lie just to fit you narrow provincialist paranoiac nightmare.

29- THERE IS a paranoiac frisson , and more than a little insight, to be had from the thought that we humans are not really in control of our own fates, and that someone or something is using us.

30- The emotional speech of C. Rice, when she referred to the Russian behavior as “the aggressively paranoiac “, was one of the last responses towards the verbal war between the West and Moscow after the crisis in Georgia.

31- If before 1933 the paranoiacs dominated the Nazi movement, after 1933 they dominated German society – meaning that their vision of reality and course of action became prevalent.

32- Morrissey ascended a paranoiac spiral of statesmanship (paranoia is inverted narcissism) – check the progression from ‘Panic’ through The World Won’t Listen and Louder Than Bombs , to Strangeways Here We Come .

33- The D ring – the story the world tells itself about you, or, The Ring of the paranoiac – feels like a cage if you focus on it too long: your credit score, gossip about you, photography of you that you don’t like, your nation.

34- Hey, you remember that whacked-out, paranoiac conspiracy theory we scoffed at? – well, *cough* obviously , we always knew that stuff was true all along.

35- Personally, I don’t believe in the internment camp meme so popular among the doomer paranoiacs , but surely a lot of people will be cooling their heels in some slammer – while many other miscreants will just get away with crimes against persons and property.

36- One can even detect reflections of Philip K. Dick — genius, paranoiac , and hack — and his dark visions of individual dislocation and cosmic malevolence.

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