Use ‘parallelograms’ in a sentence | ‘parallelograms’ example sentences
1- parallelograms also include the square, rectangle, rhombus and rhomboid.
2- Red colouring at the end of each car forms red parallelograms when the carriages are combined.
3- Also, the team logos were in smaller, glossy parallelograms in their respective color backgrounds.
4- It is the envelope of a series of parallelograms of equal area and sharing two sides.
5- The red, green, and blue shapes were replaced with red, green, and blue parallelograms .
6- The more recent gouaches use cubes, pyramids and parallelograms , forms also found in his more recent structures.
7- The limit of the areas of the approximate parallelograms is exactly __FORMULA__, which is the area of the circle.
8- Green colour has replaced red, and each car now has two green parallelograms instead of one larger figure between carriages.
9- Fretboard inlays are most commonly shaped like dots, diamond shapes, parallelograms , or large blocks in between the frets.
10- A further generalization applies to triangles that are not right triangles, using parallelograms on the three sides in place of squares.
11- The Saturday Review described the scheme as the ‘sort of meagre and crude distribution of all the allotted space – and of a great deal more besides – into parallelograms , which we might expect from the speculative projector of Great Franklin Pierce City, Nebraska’.
12- Twelve parallelograms around each star fill most of the remaining space, leaving four hexagons (and halves and quarters along the edges of the mosaic) with large red flowers.
13- After all this, Mr. Hunter must find Mr. Owen and his parallelograms trite and flat, and will, we suspect, take an opportunity to escape from them!
14- A square seems to be a different sort of shape than a rectangle, and a rhombus does not look like other parallelograms , so these shapes are classified completely separately in the child’s mind.
15- The mapboard was unique in depicting buildings as trapezoids (technically, parallelograms , though printed material related to the game usually uses the more general term trapezoid) – the abstracted shapes allowed for consistency in Line of Sight rules.
16- The team abbreviations this time were electronic eggcrate lettering in the team’s main color, the shaded area above the score banner was removed, and the scores were shown in white text in black parallelograms .
17- Let us now consider the attraction of gravitation, that mysterious force which binds together atoms and worlds, princes and parallelograms , cones, pyramids and the Sphinx.
18- Instead of a large black rectangle, the banner alternated between a large back rectangle and several small, black parallelograms , and the shaded area above it was removed.
19- Googie was also characterized by Space Age designs symbolic of motion, such as boomerangs, flying saucers, atoms and parabolas, and free-form designs such as “soft” parallelograms and an artist’s palette motif.
20- The formula further generalizes to pyramids whose base can be dissected into parallelograms , including cones by allowing infinitely many parallelograms (with due attention to convergence).
21- The formula further generalizes to pyramids whose base can be dissected into parallelograms, including cones by allowing infinitely many parallelograms (with due attention to convergence).
22- Differential forms are mathematical objects that represent infinitesimal areas of infinitesimal parallelograms (and higher-dimensional bodies), and so can be integrated over surfaces and higher dimensional manifolds in a way that generalizes the line integrals from calculus.
23- One way to visualize a bivector is as a family of parallelograms all lying in the same plane, having the same area, and with the same orientation of their boundaries–a choice of clockwise or counterclockwise.
24- Towards the end of the 1980s Riley’s work underwent a dramatic change with the reintroduction of the diagonal in the form of a sequence of parallelograms used to disrupt and animate the vertical stripes that had characterized her previous paintings.
25- Yang Hui also provided rules for constructing combinatorial arrangements in magic squares, provided theoretical proof for Euclid’s forty-third proposition about parallelograms , and was the first to use negative coefficients of ‘x’ in quadratic equations.
26- Swift, Jonathan If they would, for Example, praise the Beauty of a Woman, or any other Animal, they describe it by Rhombs, Circles, parallelograms , Ellipses, and other geometrical terms … “A Voyage to Laputa” in Gulliver’s Travels .
27- His attention was seized by a triangle of pale blue, the corner of an airmail envelope, the two protruding edges marked by alternate parallelograms of red and dark blue.
28- Well, the idea is if you take these parallelograms small enough, what you end up actually getting is… you are adding up all of the surface area elements on the surface itself.
29- is a lattice of parallelograms on the plane.
30- In such diagrams, tiles appear as parallelograms /parallelepipeds.
31- Dissection, parallelograms , and triangles
32- in the quadrant __FORMULA__ the function is alternatingly very large positive and negative on the parallelograms with vertices __FORMULA__
33- … ‘True taste does not in conspicuous places, exhibit large plantations or lumps of evergreens in circles, in squares, parallelograms ,… nor often in rows.’
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