paradigmatic in a sentence

Use ‘paradigmatic’ in a sentence | ‘paradigmatic’ example sentences

1- The paradigmatic moral agent is the normal adult human being.

2- The case of the trial of Socrates is paradigmatic .

3- T he direct winning of sustainable energy thus constitutes a paradigmatic problem.

4- Alice Brean has compiled lexical and paradigmatic information.

5- The tools for adapting successfully to paradigmatic transformation have not been developed.

6- Sense relations are of two fundamental types: paradigmatic and syntagmatic.

7- Typically, casuistic reasoning begins with a clear-cut paradigmatic case.

8- Proper names are paradigmatic referring expressions.

9- A paradigmatic example is the Kalamazoo Promise .

10- This is one Aranda’s most paradigmatic works.

11- These structures are among the most paradigmatic examples of Greek dining rooms known.

12- This autobiographical fact concerning the Apostle becomes paradigmatic for all of us.

13- Each is named for a particular temple regarded as paradigmatic for the style.

14- It is a paradigmatic distinction ….

15- The paradigmatic case is James Joyce.

16- Affinities are of two kinds, syntagmatic and paradigmatic .

17- ABSTRACT The voter model has been studied extensively as a paradigmatic opinion dynamics model.

18- Anyone with half a brain would see this as a paradigmatic phenomenon.

19- Veal production is paradigmatic factory farming.

20- To find peace regulating it though, this notion is just a paradigmatic relative.

21- It’s a paradigmatic shift in what manufacturing is going to look like.

22- A word brolis besides a paradigmatic vocative broli has also a form brolaũ.

23- Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of sense can be used to define degrees of dissonance.

24- His paradigmatic instances are Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding.

25- There is a group of verbs that do not follow the paradigmatic model presented above.

26- Incidentally, the story just told is a paradigmatic example of a case-control study.

27- Yet Aaron’s fashioning and Moses’ smashing of the golden calf remains paradigmatic .

28- Phonology would become the paradigmatic basis for structuralism in a number of different fields.

29- Such copying is paradigmatic non-commercial personal use entirely consistent with the purposes of the Act.

30- There is no paradigmatic optimum strategy for Myanmar to pursue in its quest for development.

31- The sort of criteria which we used for paradigmatic delimitation are of no help here.

32- Pro-feminist men enter paradigmatic feminist thought to speak the languages of a variety of feminisms.

33- Is the relationship of man and woman in marriage paradigmatic of the relationships in general?

34- Saussure asserted that there are only two types of relations: syntagmatic and paradigmatic .

35- Biblical figures have become paradigmatic .

36- The Noah story is paradigmatic .

37- This conjunction of strict principles and elaborate refinements makes the Parthenon the paradigmatic Classical temple.

38- We are currently in the same paradigmatic quandary as were the infectious disease experts back then.

39- Qutb’s resurrection of Ibn Taymiya, via Rashid Rida, became paradigmatic . A few cases of paradigmatic suppletion occur (witz ‘comes’ : walaj ‘came’; ki-uni ‘he drinks it (transitive)’ : ati ‘he drinks (unaccusative)’.

40- A word brolis besides a paradigmatic vocative broli has also a form brolaũ.

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