panhandlers in a sentence

Use ‘panhandlers’ in a sentence | ‘panhandlers’ example sentences

1- They offer pedestrians an alternative to donating to panhandlers .

2- Well you’ll never see panhandlers or drug zombies anywhere.

3- There are reports of panhandlers like elsewhere in the city.

4- One of his first chores is to clear the store of sleeping panhandlers .

5- Some of whom were very disrespectful of OBceans and OB and aggressive panhandlers .

6- Disputes have even reached such schemes as re-arranging benches on city sidewalks to discourage panhandlers .

7- Jew talk galore , followed by some discussion of panhandlers on the subway system and lonely Virgil .

8- It was great; I immediately wanted to magically replace all the panhandlers on Broadway with adorable horses.

9- There were a number of street performers ranging from talented to bogus, but virtually no deadbeat panhandlers .

10- He was one of the panhandlers interviewed for the documentary film “Chez Schwartz” about the delicatessen.

11- At most I have been approached by panhandlers and the majority of them are polite and even apologetic.

12- panhandlers asking for a buck or two and squeegee kids descending upon cars, washing windows for the same reason.

13- This operation was set up at this location with ” community support” to get the panhandlers off State Street.

14- The people who come to meetings to complain and leave are part of the problem the same as the aggressive panhandlers .

15- There was an increase in crime in the subways, as well as more homeless and panhandlers congregating in the stations.

16- She previously organized a tent city at City Hall and was one of the initial organizers of the Ottawa panhandlers Union.

17- Had I, distracted by foamy gas and stringy-haired panhandlers , forgotten to put on the gas cap after filling the tank?

18- The rows of Victorian houses give way to corporate high-rises and then the gritty, twisting streets of the San Francisco ghetto — cheap monthly hotel rooms, panhandlers , small-time hustlers, dealers, and junkies.

19- I would like to keep a stack of Gospel tracks or booklets in my car to give to panhandlers and homeless people that I meet.

20- Mall operators argue that the Sally Army must be banned, or the precedent would allow a flood of other charitable panhandlers to invade their territory, and solicit a little of the money which should by rights be the monopoly of the retailers.

21- Well, not true–we largely avoided Broadway, as Broadway is the main drag (in so many ways) of our neighborhood, and filled with panhandlers and Save The Annoying Children types, and that sort of thing, so we stayed on the byways in order to avoid being hassled.

22- A report in 1990 said the blocks were being “held hostage” by the homeless, mainly “aggressive panhandlers , stumbling drunks, violent drug users and the unpredictable mentally ill.

23- He cited concerns about free speech rights, the panhandlers not having access to lawyers, and that the bill could compel people into mental health and drug treatment programs instead of what he called the “normal civil commitment process.

24- Supporters said that the law was designed to cut down on aggressive panhandlers using intimidating language and gestures, begging at ATMs, repeatedly soliciting people who have already said “no” or blocking people’s path while soliciting money.

25- It is not unusual to see limousines, young people in punk attire, foreign tourists, drug addicts, panhandlers , businesspeople and more all on the same street.

26- There are many more who are unauthorized performers, ranging from professionals putting on an impromptu show to panhandlers seeking donations by way of a song.

27- The results were mixed and in one upscale neighborhood, Beacon Hill, the resolve of the Beacon Hill Civic Association, which has received only one complaint about panhandlers , was to try to solve the bigger problem not by criminal actions.

28- In 1874, when rumors of gold in the Black Hills were delivered by Custer and his men to the white settlers on the plains, miners and panhandlers flooded the Black Hills, angering the Lakota and Dakota living there.

29- In the spirit of organizing industrially, any who make their living in the street, such as buskers, street vendors, or panhandlers are welcome to join the Ottawa panhandlers‘ Union.

30- In the spirit of organizing industrially, any who make their living in the street, such as buskers, street vendors, or panhandlers are welcome to join the Ottawa panhandlers‘ Union.

31- Among current and more notable IWW shops in Canada is the Ottawa panhandlers‘ Union, which continues a tradition in the IWW of organizing disenfranchised workers on relief or in work camps started during the Great Depression.

32- The ordinance was criticized by some who said they believed that in its original draft, it was a way to clear panhandlers out of Downtown as the city prepared to open the ballpark.

33- Kim Aschauer created the Facelift Bungee after going to a plastic surgery consultation and being shocked … You’ve all seen those cheeky panhandlers wielding signs like “WHY LIE?

34- But even as it has vacillated on how to respond ( see Noted, p. 19), the city has been trying to twist Krieger’s decision, saying that the judge actually granted it a partial victory by “upholding” a rule that panhandlers must stay 20 feet from the entrance to any building.

35- Colorado Springs enforcing panhandling buffer COLORADO SPRINGS , Colo.–Colorado Springs officials are warning that panhandlers could be ticketed if they actively solicit people within 20 feet of entrances to homes or businesses.

36- Will panhandle for change Beth Brockman, left, was among the homeless advocates joining Carl Bittner, right, and other panhandlers to protest Durham’s new ordinance outlawing the practice on “busy streets. The newspaper editorial criticized the mayor’s attack on panhandlers.

37- A new municipal bylaw forbids panhandlers from harassing people for change.

38- The mayor is seen by many as being weak in dealing with aggressive panhandlers in this city.

39- Some panhandlers downtown prey on people’s sympathy by asking for spare change which they don’t really need.

40- Businesses in downtown Fredericton say there are a growing number of panhandlers.

41- He says he has never felt unsafe and has only had a few problems with other panhandlers.

42- Following World War II and until the 1970s, the park saw a substantial increase in panhandlers.

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