sympathy in a sentence 2

Use ‘sympathy’ in a sentence | ‘sympathy’ example sentences

50- I feel sympathy for people with that disease.

51- He has no sympathy for single parent families.

52- sympathy is a feeling characteristic of mankind.

53- You often find that sympathy gives place to love.

54- The mother was shocked and was at once all sympathy.

55- Find someone who knows the symbol for the Olympic Games.

56- sympathyThe governor has offered his sympathy to the parents of the children lost in the fire.

57- I don’t have much sympathy for people who lose money speculating on the real estate market.

58- It is no use being a writer if one is not in sympathy with the world in which one is living.

59- There is a Turkish proverb which states that too much sympathy for the unfortunate makes you unhappy.

60- Her boss didn’t show much sympathy when she tried to explain why she hadn’t finished the work on time.

61- There is a Turkish proverb which observes that too much sympathy for the unfortunate makes you unhappy.

62- Some panhandlers downtown prey on people’s sympathy by asking for spare change which they don’t really need.

63- No one had much sympathy for Eleanor when she got fired because she was such a difficult person to work with.

64- An Armenian proverb suggests that wealth can give legs to the cripple, beauty to the ugly, and sympathy to tears.

65- During the trial, the mother of the victim astonished everyone by expressing sympathy for the family of her son’s attacker.

66- The American attacks on the Iraqis have seemingly only succeeded in generating sympathy for Saddam Hussein among the Arab countries.

67- Jesse Jackson once noted that both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result.

68- Tears will get you sympathy, sweat will get you change.

69- Jesse Jackson once remarked that both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result.

70- Tears will get you sympathy, sweat will get you change.

71- Henry David Thoreau once suggested that we do not learn by inference and deduction and the application of mathematics to philosophy, but by direct intercourse and sympathy.

72- In 1989, Zhao Ziyang, who had expressed sympathy for pro-democracy student demonstrators, was replaced by Jiang Zemin as general-secretary of the Communist Party of China.

73- symptomI would like to extend my sincere sympathy to you and your family.

74- I know that you will miss your grandmother a lot, but I know that her memory will live with you for many years to come.

75- Cicero once said that the rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying what the other lacks, and trying to benefit the other, always using friendly and sincere words.

76- But he also expressed sympathy for the emotions fueling the protests.

77- For who is there so cold, that a nation’s sympathy could not warm him?

78- A chief minister of a southern state in India also expressed sympathy.

79- And they have been met in return with a public outpouring of sympathy.

80- Policemen across the country wore black armbands to show their sympathy.

81- Shares of big data analytics firm Splunk declined 4 percent in sympathy.

82- 547886Our sympathy goes out to all of her family at this difficult time.”

83- “Sometimes we don’t know if these are allegations just to create sympathy.

84- sympathy for victims isn’t enough – change requires all of us speaking up.”

85- “There is a large mass of people who have huge sympathy and support for us.

86- I wish to extend our deepest sympathy and condolences on the passing of Sir.

87- As Darwin long ago surmised, sympathy is our strongest instinct, Keltner said.

88- I have no sympathy for hunters either, I always keep away from quarreling people.

89- ATR expresses its deepest sympathy to the families, friends and to those affected.

90- You are the author of your own misfortune and there can be little sympathy for you.

91- I have, I will confess, a certain intellectual sympathy with the believer’s position.

92- Kaoru, seeing that confrontation wasn’t getting any response, tried evoking sympathy.

93- “I did not give him notice because I was in sympathy with him that he was not working.

94- Their goal was to win sympathy from the jury and get a life sentence instead of death.

95- But at the end of his life we no longer hated the man and have sympathy for his family.

96- Be honest — how much sympathy would you feel if you saw them stub their toe painfully?

97- Among those not calling for Lord Feldman to quit immediately, there is limited sympathy.

98- Prime Minister Stephen Harper also expressed sympathy and pledged support for the region.

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