sympathizers in a sentence

Use ‘sympathizers’ in a sentence | ‘sympathizers’ example sentences

1- Even close sympathizers can receive this treatment.

2- This secret order was composed of Union sympathizers .

3- The Nazis and sympathizers published many books.

4- They are not members, but are sympathizers .

5- There were thousands — tens of thousands of sympathizers .

6- They had been fed by native Hawaiian sympathizers while in hiding.

7- Opponents of censorship were portrayed as secret IRA sympathizers .

8- Overnight, an army of sympathizers was organized.

9- Kataeb spirit was however still strong between its members and sympathizers .

10- David is lost; as sympathizers we are also.

11- Two-hundred-fifty sympathizers were killed by a heavenly fire.

12- A jury of sympathizers found them all not guilty.

13- The enraged strike sympathizers forced the military out of the city.

14- This procession attracts more sympathizers who may offer presents to the mourners.

15- The 125 villagers were then machine gunned as suspected OPM sympathizers .

16- The AUC claims the victims were mostly guerrillas or sympathizers .

17- With the help of prominent sympathizers , Harris continued to appeal.

18- The regime we installed in Ukraine is run by Nazi sympathizers .

19- Most of the villains were Nazis and Nazi sympathizers .

20- All Serb enterprises were nationalized and taken over by Nazi sympathizers .

21- Rebel sympathizers from Sackville burned some surrounding buildings.

22- The fort even served as a prison for three Confederate sympathizers .

23- Popular hostility shifted against southern sympathizers .

24- Only Illegal Immigrant sympathizers given a ticket .

25- The pub was said to have been frequented by Irish republican sympathizers .

26- Passengers included 42 Union sympathizers seeking protection of federal troops in Jacksonville.

27- Would you worry about offending slaveholders or their sympathizers ?

28- The rebels stated that government forces were aided by sympathizers within Ajdabiya.

29- This small organized group of AGW sympathizers has indeed hijacked our society.

30- All the Flacco sympathizers are cracking me up .

31- I say he, and sympathizers , are eating all wrong.

32- Potential sympathizers were rung for assistance.

33- A telephone tree is organized and sympathizers are asked to call their friends.

34- The party had around 2000 active members and another 3000 sympathizers in Siam.

35- Not if his sympathizers give Obama cover by minimizing his influence.

36- A brief skirmish between Unionists and Confederate sympathizers erupted in the mountains.

37- Eventually a group of euthanasia sympathizers successfully helped him with his suicide.

38- Neo-nazi organizations and sympathizers have committed other violent crimes in recent decades.

39- Collaborators and sympathizers will usually provide a steady flow of useful information.

40- Leftist politicians and sympathizers were discriminated against and often fired from work. Another 160 sympathizers are believed to be supporting jihadists from home.

41- ‘” Ehsanullah was interviewed by telephone because he feared local Taliban sympathizers learning he had met with a foreigner.

42- Priscillian’s contemporary following Priscillian and his sympathizers included many women, who were welcomed as equals of men.

43- The disloyal and sympathizers would not be required to enroll in the militia, but would of course have to declare their sympathies.

44- Many rebels and their civilian sympathizers barricaded themselves into the buildings.

45- He raised men and money for the Union army, and successfully suppressed Indiana’s Confederate sympathizers.

46- In May 1940, after the German invasion, 10,000 NSB members and sympathizers were put in custody by the Dutch government.

47- These provided urban jobs for free blacks, and the town had a strong proportion of Northern sympathizers among whites as well.

48- ” in which he asserted that a large cadre of Communist Party members and sympathizers remained in the ranks of the movie industry.

49- Pre-Coup grievances Regional (Middle East) agitations During World War II, Iraq housed a growing presence of Arab nationalist sympathizers.

50- As Crowley was bringing Lenzi to the jail, “a shot was fired in to his breast by some person in a crowd of alleged Lenzi sympathizers gathered about.

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