symmetry in a sentence 2

Use ‘symmetry’ in a sentence | ‘symmetry’ example sentences

51- His newly discovered family ties place him in symmetry to Thomas Flynn, with whom he forms a tacit friendship as the investigation progresses.

52- The plume’s presence, in fact, implies that the spherical symmetry of its photosphere, often observed in the infrared, is not preserved in its close environment.

53- Color SU(3) (commonly abbreviated to SU(3) c ) is the gauge symmetry that relates the color charge in quarks and is the defining symmetry for quantum chromodynamics.

54- Helical symmetry A drill bit with helical symmetry.

55- Cross-symmetry implies M-symmetry but not M * –symmetry.

56- The bridge is well known for its vast reach and massive symmetry.

57- The uncancelled denominator is called the symmetry factor of the diagram.

58- This is P-symmetry (parity symmetry); *The direction of time is reversed.

59- Virions consist of a round, non-enveloped capsid with icosahedral symmetry.

60- Only one is repeated from the tetrahedral and octahedral symmetry table above.

61- CMOS is also sometimes referred to as complementary-symmetry metal-oxide-semiconductor (or COS-MOS).

62- Biology In anatomy, chirality is found in the imperfect mirror-image symmetry of many kinds of animal bodies.

63- Aequitas ( genitive aequitatis) is the Latin concept of justice, equality, conformity, symmetry, or fairness.

64- We pause at one point to show the symmetry of routing between two of the nodes and emphasize it with a red line.

65- Seed-stitch fabrics lie flat; the symmetry of their two faces prevents them from curling to one side or the other.

66- This aberration can be developmental, or it can have a genetic basis: the CYCLOIDEA gene controls floral symmetry.

67- The C-C-C planes of the isopropyl groups are slightly tilted (about 5°) relative to the threefold symmetry axis of the C 3 N core.

68- Classes avoiding one pattern of length 3 There are two symmetry classes and a single Wilf class for single permutations of length three.

69- The solid-liquid phase boundary can only end in a critical point if the solid and liquid phases have the same symmetry groupCitation needed.

70- The uniform polyhedra and their duals are traditionally classified according to their degree of symmetry, and whether they are convex or not.

71- However parity symmetry can be restored as a fundamental symmetry of nature if the particle content is enlarged so that every particle has a mirror partner.

72- Full icosahedral symmetry Platonic solids – regular polyhedra (all faces of the same type) Archimedean solids – polyhedra with more than one polygon face type.

73- Miscellaneous Characteristics: * Late onset: Patients usually develop symptoms in the late 30’s or later * symmetry of clinical signs: Muscles are usually affected symmetrically.

74- When colors are ignored there may be more symmetry.

75- The capsid/nucleocapsid is round and exhibits icosahedral symmetry.

76- “Time-reversal symmetry, Kramers’ degeneracy and the algebraic eigenvalue problem”.

77- Solid When C 76 or C 82 crystals are grown from toluene solution they have a monoclinic symmetry.

78- The Mermin-Wagner theorem prevents any spontaneous symmetry breaking of the model’s U(1) symmetry.

79- There is more freedom to choose a representation that fits the point group symmetry of the problem.

80- While various frameworks for the study of molecular symmetry exist, group theory is the predominant one.

81- The Euler top describes a free top without any particular symmetry, moving in the absence of any external torque.

82- So, by tuning their technique further, they found that there was an admixture of s symmetry in YBCO within about 3%.

83- Dicentra has flowers with two planes of symmetry, and Corydalis has flowers with one plane of symmetry ( zygomorphic ).

84- I purchased and read Fearful symmetry a week or two after it had come out and reached the bookstore in Ithaca, New York.

85- George Perle and Elliott Antokoletz focus on alternative methods of signaling tonal centers, via axes of inversional symmetry.

86- They are 17.7±0.5 mm long and their centre lines are horizontally 11.115±0.065 mm on either side of the symmetry plane of the plug.

87- By considerations of symmetry: : This implies that: : Also, these localized functions are normalized, which leads to: : and conversely.

88- Using quasi-set theory, we can express some facts of quantum physics without introducing symmetry conditions (Krause et al. 1999, 2005).

89- Hair cells on opposite sides move with mirror symmetry, so when one side is moved, the other is inhibited.

90- The only antiunitary symmetry is time reversal, together with a unitary symmetry that does not reverse time.

91- Gordon Welchman came up with a way of using the symmetry of the Enigma stecker to increase the power of the bombe.

92- One can better use an unambiguous formulation, e.g. “T has a vertical symmetry axis” or “T has left-right symmetry.

93- Tyger! burning bright ::In the forests of the night, ::What immortal hand or eye ::Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

94- X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895, just as the studies of crystal symmetry were being concluded.

95- In many lasers, the symmetry of the optical resonator is restricted by polarizing elements such as Brewster’s angle windows.

96- If graphene rests on a silica surface, hydrogenation on only one side of graphene preserves the hexagonal symmetry in graphane.

97- Already at this period it is created with a sense of proportion, symmetry and balance not apparent in similar pottery from Crete and Mycenae.

98- In a similar way, event symmetry could be hidden by a background field that determines not just the geometry of spacetime, but also its topology.

99- Magnesium bromide in combination with CH 2 Cl 2 catalyzes a reaction that causes specific symmetry and chiral centers through hydrogenation of olefins.

100- The known elementary particles respect rotation and translation symmetry but do not respect mirror reflection symmetry (also called P-symmetry or parity).

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