painkiller in a sentence

Use ‘painkiller’ in a sentence | ‘painkiller’ example sentences

1- I am still on painkillers every four hours.

2- Testing painkillers in animals “with severe induced pain”.

3- Any discomfort is usually treated with an ordinary painkiller .

4- No painkillers had been administered to this point.

5- Dietrich became increasingly dependent on painkillers and alcohol.

6- Experts say the culprit is actually prescription painkillers .

7- Long Island has tragic experience with such painkillers .

8- In fact painkillers could make things worse.

9- Doctor talks about dangers of prescription painkillers .

10- Belle is prescribed with painkillers to help combat her anxiety disorder.

11- A low dose of caffeine with painkillers can significantly reduce headache .

12- These painkillers have addictive side effects that get users hooked.

13- Abby discovers Carter shooting up on painkillers during season 6.

14- More than half of those deaths were from prescription painkillers .

15- Have you become ” dependent” on painkillers and alcohol?

16- Today medical treatment consists of prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers .

17- One could bitterly say that tornadoes are disruptive painkillers .

18- The stress results in Nancy becoming addicted to painkillers .

19- He only receives painkillers for his diseases inside prison.

20- Usually taking a painkiller will temporarily stop some pain.

21- Many pregnant women suffer enough discomfort to need medical attention or painkillers .

22- Your doctor can prescribe painkillers to relieve this.

23- painkillers may also be prescribed to relieve pain.

24- It can usually be controlled with mild painkillers .

25- He was prescribed narcotic painkillers for chronic pain.

26- painkillers and warm salt water gargles can help relieve symptoms.

27- In the meantime, painkillers will usually keep it under control.

28- The painkiller usage eventually developed into a full-fledged addiction over 2007.

29- He has given me some painkillers to help ease the pain.

30- Those painkillers and depression curing drugs may not be as needed.

31- Also, his wife said he might have consumed painkillers .

32- You’ll be given painkillers regularly to control any pain.

33- The pain is more than even what painkillers can help.

34- Staying organized will also increase relieving painkiller and reduce the.

35- Your doctor can prescribe painkillers if you’re affected.

36- There was no painkiller , there was no stimulant.

37- The pill with most painkiller and the gall bladder.

38- In 2009, Belle developed an addiction to painkillers .

39- Those painkillers you’ve ar aren’t good enough.

40- One river close to a pharmaceuticals factory was liberally laced with painkillers . Please give me a painkiller.

41- If you have pain, take a painkiller.

42- The doctor wrote me a prescription for a painkiller.

43- Together, these properties make it particularly exciting as a potential painkiller.

44- The suspect also had about 10 painkiller pills in his possession when he was arrested, Krumpter said.

45- They also needed to accumulate a stock of the painkiller Analgeticum.

46- His final entry describes love as “the most natural painkiller what there is.

47- Lucas discovers Deb’s painkiller addiction and decides to avenge all of Dan’s victims.

48- Some games (e.g. painkiller) exclude quick save capability from the highest difficulty levels.

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