sweeps in a sentence 2

Use ‘sweeps’ in a sentence | ‘sweeps’ example sentences

50- Subsonic and transonic behavior In the transonic the swept wing also sweeps the shock which is at the top rear of the wing.

51- He said early humans may have gone through several genetic “clean sweeps” with light-skinned individuals dying off and dark-skinned individuals surviving.

52- The leverage in the butterfly guard allows for powerful sweeps.

53- If manually selectable, channel switching can be free-running (asynchronous), or between consecutive sweeps.

54- Popular film reenactments display a grizzled izinduna directing the host from a promontory with elegant sweeps of the hand.

55- When, in early February, the digital transition date was moved to June 12, the “February” sweeps period for 2009 remained in March.

56- The Army of Anubis sweeps across Egypt, destroying everything in its path, but once their task is finished Anubis claims the Scorpion King’s soul and his army.

57- “CBS wins its third ratings race in ‘sweeps‘”.

58- The volume “sweeps” points of phase space as it moves.

59- Observers monitored radar sweeps that detected typhoons and heavy rains.

60- His missions included bomber escort, strafing, fighter sweeps, and drive bombing.

61- Those rounded up with adults during police sweeps were generally released without charge.

62- 2011 In the May sweeps, “Last Call” received a 5% increase in viewership compared to the previous year.

63- Design A wooden hulled coastal minehunter, built as a successor to the Vanya class with new sweeps and more effective sonar.

64- This only proved to be temporary, as Something Wilder was scheduled for a re-launch of sorts, immediately after November sweeps.

65- The AYI equals the percent of leafhopper population containing AYP multiplied by the number of leahoppers present per 100 sweeps.

66- A bergère with a low coved back that sweeps without a break into the armrests is a marquise.

67- Harry F. Bauer arrived off Kerama Retto 25 March and helped screen minecraft during preliminary sweeps of the invasion area.

68- On November 15, 2006 Fox announced they were pulling the show for the rest of sweeps but that it would return on December 1, 2006.

69- Federal marshals started conducting sweeps of areas the escapees were known to frequent, and began looking into families and friends of the inmates.

70- The access would have been convenient for chimney sweeps and roofers in earlier times, where cranes were non-existent and tall ladders were not common.

71- Morison (1960), pp. 99-100 From 23 March TF 58 conducted strikes against Okinawa, though its aircraft made further sweeps of Kyushu on the 28th and 29th of the month.

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