superscription in a sentence

Use ‘superscription’ in a sentence | ‘superscription’ example sentences

1- The superscription suggests Psalm 51 was the result.

2- The superscription as it stands is ambiguous.

3- The symbol separates the superscription from the inscriptions sections.

4- He sealed it, and kissed the superscription .

5- I trust the superscription is clear?

6- He showed them a coin and asked them whose image and superscription was upon it.

7- Fifty-four of the 150 psalms are identified in the superscriptions as psalms of David.


9- According to Luke 23:38, in what three languages was the superscription written?

10- We are not sure how trustworthy these superscriptions are, though they are known to be quite old.

11- Sweeney sees the book’s superscription in as an effort to cast Jeremiah as a prophet similar to Moses.

12- There is a date, you see, but no superscription except Leadenhall Street, which is rather vague.

13- In this superscription we read the phrase There is no unity of color .there can be no unity’.

14- It is an almost word-for-word duplicate of Psalm 18 which is identified as a Psalm of David in the superscription .

15- The superscription section contains the date of the prescription and patient information (name, address, age, etc.).

16- It must be a mistake, she thought, turning it over in her hands, and noting there was no superscription .

17- Can we doubt that the character and thoughts have remained as much the same all that time; have borne the same image and superscription ; have grown with the growth, and strengthened with the strength?

18- Let us now consider the theory that without knowing the meaning of the Arabic words upon the coin, and possibly regarding them as pure ornamentation, Offa had the coin struck, adding the words ‘Offa Rex’ to the original superscription .

19- The manuscript of Melodie Chiaroscura’ has a superscription from an as yet unidentified author although John Purser speculates that it might be Whitman.

20- As the superscription of this passage indicates (2 Samuel 21:1), this passage referred to David’s covenant faithfulness prior to the events of 2 Samuel 7.

21- The human messenger could possibly be a prophet or priest, such as Malachi, “my messenger”, and the Greek superscription that the Book of Malachi was written “by the hand of his messenger” ἀγγέλου “angélu”.

22- Scholar Herbert Davis claims that by the end of 1725, Swift was “the Darling of the populace; His Image and superscription on a great many Sign-Posts” in Ireland.

23- The number of words can vary depending upon aspects such as whether the Hebrew alphabet in Psalm 119, the superscriptions listed in some of the Psalms, and the subscripts traditionally found at the end of the Pauline epistles, are included.

24- Manuscript No. 7 of the Günzburg collection bears the superscription “Tosafot of Gornish to Yebamot,” and in these tosafot French and German rabbis are quoted.

25- Predating modern legal definitions of a prescription, a prescription traditionally is composed of four parts: a ” superscription “, “inscription”, “subscription” and “signature”.

26- His existence has been elaborated upon the authorial superscription “” appearing with the poems now ascribed to him in a small number of manuscripts.

27- The name of the character comes from Portuguese and Spanish, from the Latin “” meaning “title” or ” superscription “, though the term “tilde” has evolved and now has a different meaning in linguistics.

28- When the revenue fell short of expectations in 1608, Venice introduced paper with the superscription ‘AQ’ and imprinted instructions, which was to be used for ‘letters to officials’.

29- The superscription states that it is “Solomon’s”, but even if this is meant to identify the author, it cannot be read as strictly as a similar modern statement.

30- The superscription is “of David a psalm.” Some have suggested that this indicates that Psalm 110 was not written by David.

31- Milne and Skeat have observed that the superscription to 1 Maccabees was made by scribe D, while the text was written by scribe A. Scribe D corrects his own work and that of scribe A, but scribe A limits to correcting his own work.

32- Many psalms (116 of the 150) have individual superscriptions (titles), ranging from lengthy comments to a single word.

33- The Gospel of Matthew is anonymous: the author is not named within the text, and the superscription “according to Matthew” was added some time in the second century.

34- Another interpretation of the authorship comes from the Septuagint superscription , ὲν χειρὶ ἀγγήλου αὐτοῦ, which can be read as either “by the hand of his messenger” or as “by the hand of his angel”.

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