superhero in a sentence

Use ‘superhero’ in a sentence | ‘superhero’ example sentences

1- The superhero theme – highly interactive and adaptable – was inspired.

2- His actions inspires others to become superheroes .

3- The novel uses characters with generic superhero traits.

4- System attempts to emulate epic superhero battles.

5- Therefore editors requested more larger than life superheroes .

6- Most female superhero art features the characters hardly wearing anything .

7- Marvel superheroes are coming together like never before .

8- The ensuing explosion wounds many superheroes whom Fury rescues.

9- I always looked at superheroes as being entertainers.

10- They are an improbable group of superheroes .

11- It is the standard issue handbook for superheroes .

12- She has blond hair and always wears a superhero necklace.

13- It is a union of cartoon superheroes .

14- Use his superhero powers to win big!

15- The character was a superhero gimmick that parodied various wrestlers.

16- Feedback had won and was “the next great superhero .

17- The superheroes and their alter egos were introduced.

18- Inside are numerous superheroes dressed in their old costumes.

19- Her superhero career soon kicks into fast and full gear.

20- A large power gap resides between most superheroes and civilians.

21- His parents eventually allowed him to start reading superhero titles.

22- These superheroes have infected our modern culture.

23- This superhero is built like a brick house!

24- Want to start your own superheroes franchise?

25- From 1938 on the superheroes enjoyed great popularity.

26- This summer saw its fair share of superhero movies.

27- My very first superhero crush was Superman.

28- In fact, pretty much everything but superheroes .

29- Sheldon often wears vintage T-shirts adorned with superhero logos.

30- He adopts the superhero handle “Gear.

31- Goldman – A flying superhero who created “gold” constructs.

32- Magneto – A superhero that has magnetic manipulation.

33- Well superheroes are wish fulfillment first, everything else second.

34- The Beacon is a pretty standard superhero .

35- A superhero academy exists where the capes are trained.

36- Stevens really should create a superhero wasteland art series!

37- Get ready for the next generation of superhero comics.

38- He even imagines himself as a human magnet superhero .

39- A nice new twist on the superhero formula.

40- Probably one of the best superhero games. The young boys were arguing over who was the greatest superhero: Batman, Superman, or Spiderman.

41- He is, in short, the closest a superhero movie has ever come to Poochie.

42- In the superhero genre we’ve had Alpha Flight, written by Canadian John Byrne.

43- SOT/ JORDAN WILKES- superhero @:23-:26 Because this hand doesn’t work very well.

44- No, the new journey that must be made in “III” and “IV” is that from hero to superhero.

45- superhero surveillance – The towering beacon in this Southern city has an unusual shape.

46- “The Flash: Season 1” is the most fun you’ll have with a live-action superhero TV series.

47- 371684In the case of Ant-Man, the movie is far more comedic that other superhero movies.

48- The other potential factor is some mix of superhero fatigue and Ultron’s cooler reception.

49- 792100The same can’t be said of Fox’s sole superhero release for the year, Fantastic Four.

50- He’d only recently upgraded from the superhero duvet he’d slept under since he was 8 years old.

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