sums in a sentence

Use ‘sums’ in a sentence | ‘sums’ example sentences

1- Altogether those sums total $71 billion.

2- These energetic measures produced unusually large sums .

3- Such sums shall remain available until expended.

4- These gifts were substantial sums and generally property.

5- The sums of money involved are large.

6- This action required issuing enormous sums of money.

7- The astonishing sums expended were widely viewed as money wasted.

8- Then those sums are totaled as shown.

9- Large sums of money were often involved.

10- These huge sums gave the companies equally huge effective tax rates .

11- Do not carry large sums of money.

12- The colonial administration invested great sums in this combat.

13- She heard classes and worked sums and set copies mechanically.

14- The tasks included counting large sums of money and delivering parcels.

15- An infinite series of 0s still sums to 0.

16- Real estate transactions can involve substantial sums of money.

17- Washington has been unwilling to commit such large sums of money.

18- Many rich people put in large sums .

19- Others have arrived at very different sums .

20- Today inflation would change the sums drastically.

21- He died without leaving property or significant sums of money.

22- Many states spend large sums of money on technology.

23- Pilgrims came with substantial sums to spend.

24- He spent large sums of money pursuing his political ambitions.

25- Some of the sums mentioned are disturbing.

26- He gave some considerable sums to poor artists.

27- Various individuals came up with useful sums .

28- I hope the folk museum has done its sums properly.

29- The title poem sums up the mood best.

30- People would pay ridiculous sums for tickets .

31- It offered unheard of sums to circumvent law .

32- The figures show what considerable sums were made form these.

33- They paid large sums to secure their pitches.

34- That pretty much sums up their night .

35- That basically sums up our meal here .

36- Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes 17 .

37- He was frantically doing sums in his head.

38- This sums up the issue rather elegantly .

39- That pretty much sums up their arguments .

40- These wholesale deposits and loans are very large sums of money. Why don’t you go over your sums?

41- He doesn’t have enough brains to do sums in his head.

42- Find someone who can add large sums in his/her head.

43- summaryDiscussion question: How do you feel about borrowing large sums of money from a friend?We must consider the question of whether we can afford such huge sums for armaments.

44- You should learn to do your sums in your head instead of always using your calculator.

45- Despite its small size, Switzerland spends huge sums of money on aid to developing countries.

46- Over the years, the French have loaned or donated large sums of money to help Togo’s economic development.

47- Writer Agatha Christie once remarked that where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody.

48- When she won the lottery prize of one million dollars, it was paid to her in annual sums of $100,000 over ten years.

49- The young man was able to exploit the old woman’s illness by getting her to pay him large sums of money to clean and maintain her home.

50- Discussion question: How do you feel about governments that spend vast sums of money to explore other planets when millions of people are dying of starvation? exportLarge sums of money continued to flow from JCB group into JCB Research.

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