summoned in a sentence 2

Use ‘summoned’ in a sentence | ‘summoned’ example sentences

51- Paul was summoned to appear in court after being stopped for drunk driving.

52- Find someone who has been summoned to the school principal’s office.

53- superbHe summoned all his courage and then went into his boss’ office to demand a raise.

54- News correspondents in the region have been summoned to the Royal Palace to hear the King’s reaction to the military coup.

55- Each time he did so, he was summoned and interrogated by the police.

56- CBS This Morning Families of hostages summoned to D.C. after demand..

57- Tyahnybok and Syrotiuk were summoned for questioning by the prosecution.

58- Two police officers who were nearby came to his aid and summoned an ambulance.

59- On Thursday, Pakistan summoned the Afghan ambassador to protest the detention.

60- We regret therefore that the French ambassador to Moscow was summoned on the spot.

61- After the decision was announced, the ministry summoned the EU ambassador to Israel.

62- Matt Andriese will be summoned from Triple-A Durham to start Game 2 as the 26th man.

63- He was summoned on suspicion of inciting and participating in an unauthorized assembly.

64- After struggling to get herself out of the canal, the mother immediately summoned help.”

65- The police were summoned, and Binger was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

66- The police were summoned to the scene, and the bodies of Miller and Nugent were discovered.

67- A LARGE POOL Pringle says that instead of a typical jury pool of 175, about 800 were summoned.

68- Turkey denounced the incident as a provocation and summoned the Russian ambassador to protest.

69- Interestingly, Teravainen was summoned from the minors when Kane was out of the lineup last season.

70- Iran summoned Nigeria’s charge d’affaires to protest, the official IRNA news agency reported Tuesday.

71- The sword has fire properties and can be summoned by Ayano at any time.

72- Now she summoned Monaldeschi into a gallery at the palace, discussing the matter with him.

73- Though urgently summoned by telegraph, Sir Harry did not reach London until four days after her death.

74- However he is summoned back to London and is arrested, having been framed by the CID and Barratt, who has fled abroad.

75- Baranovsky was summoned to perform a last-minute survey of the church slated for demolition, and was then arrested for his objections.

76- Willis’s measures angered both Liberal and Labor members; once, he even summoned the police to eject seven Liberals from the House.

77- However, Profaci capo Joseph Colombo betrayed Joseph to the Commission, which then summoned Joseph to explain th assassination plot.

78- However, when Emperor Gaozong summoned Li Ji to ask his opinion, Li Ji responded, “This is your family matter, Your Imperial Majesty.

79- In 996, Otto heard Abbot Ramwold ‘s complaint and summoned Gebhard, whom he made promise not to confiscate further property from St. Emmeram’s.

80- Villagers invoked the intercession of Trofimena who on a lovely summer day summoned up a terrible tempest that shipwrecked the attacking horde.

81- They are untouchable by even the most powerful deities although they can be summoned and used by the weakest mortal through pact magic and binding.

82- The miners seized the TCMC stockade again on July 20, prompting Buchanan to request a 60-day truce while he summoned the legislature to discuss the issue.

83- He summoned Vladimir to Moscow and signed with him a treaty, whereby he was to live in Moscow with a small retinue and avoid contacts with Ivan’s boyars.

84- In 182 BC, Grand Empress Dowager Lü created him the Marquess of Dongmou and summoned him to the capital Chang’an to serve as an imperial guard commander.

85- Police summoned the officer in charge of surveillance at Donleskhoz Station and examined the reports of all men stopped and questioned in the previous week.

86- The Hamburg theatre again falling into decay, the master was once more summoned to assist in its rehabilitation, and in 1811 he returned to it for one year.

87- On 25 Aug. 1855 he came to England for consultation, and was summoned to Balmoral to inform the Queen of the steps that had been taken for the benefit of the troops.

88- Pina, p. 139; Russell, p. 187 Cortes of Leiria Uncertain of what to do, King Edward of Portugal summoned the Portuguese Cortes to Leiria in January, 1438 for consultation.

89- On being summoned to the king’s presence, all the judges except Coke receded from the position they had taken in the letter; Doddridge went further to accommodate the king.

90- Fiends Razzaffen, a semi powerful fiend, being summoned.

91- His wife summoned the neighbors to help and called for another doctor.

92- When her wings are cut off, they can regenerate when V-Moth is re-summoned.

93- On 23 November 1514 he was summoned to the House of Lords as Baron Monteagle.

94- He gave in his answer in writing on 27 April, and was summoned again on 7 May.

95- Cao Cao summoned Mi Heng to the capital of Xuchang but did not offer Mi Heng a seat.

96- The king summoned him and demanded it, but the shepherd would only say, “To my good health.

97- Misaki also has a cameo in the game, appearing when Tsubasa is summoned with a certain koma.

98- Skorne summoned his minions and sent them through the portals in the tower to conquer the realms.

99- Service ministers also may be summoned before the Majlis to respond to representatives’ questions.

100- As Archbishop of Mexico, Alonso de Montúfar summoned the bishops of his province to two such councils.

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