subsisted in a sentence

Use ‘subsisted’ in a sentence | ‘subsisted’ example sentences

1- When she died the joint tenancy still subsisted .

2- This arrangement subsisted until March 18, 2009.

3- Early residents subsisted on agriculture and hunting.

4- They arrived roughly around A.D. 800 and subsisted chiefly from fishing.

5- Many migrants were extremely poor and had subsisted on others’ property.

6- He rarely ate much food and often subsisted on crackers and milk.

7- He subsisted on welfare, on charity and on casual labour.

8- They have there subsisted to a large extent by agriculture.

9- When runaway slaves banded together and subsisted independently they were called Maroons.

10- He subsisted for another twenty years on only the Blessed Sacrament.

11- They subsisted on relief supplies provided by the government and other agencies.

12- No improvident people could have subsisted long in such a place.

13- The Lakota once subsisted on the buffalo hunt, and on corn.

14- Instead they appear to have subsisted chiefly on a diet of fruit .

15- Their efforts resulted in suitable habitat for game species on which they subsisted .

16- Hunter-gatherers who subsisted on lots of grass-fed meat never had heart disease.

17- She subsisted on honey buns, rice and an occasional hogshead stew.

18- WIZ-DOM subsisted on the magicks of the Western world.

19- In general, however, Cambodian agriculture subsisted without much help from the government.

20- Until the 1960s most tribes subsisted on the natural resources of their reservations.

21- Villagers subsisted on agriculture and hunting.

22- The Ohlone subsisted mainly as hunter-gatherers and in some ways harvesters.

23- Most DPs had subsisted on diets of far less than 1,500 calories a day.

24- The Parthian empire subsisted for five centuries, longer than most Eastern Empires.

25- Living frugally, he subsisted on an inheritance that was nearly depleted his last years.

26- The Yoruba were organized in mostly patrilineal groups that occupied village communities and subsisted on agriculture.

27- She subsisted on her meager resources, suffering from cold winters and occasionally fainting from hunger.

28- Nonetheless, they generally settled in rural areas where they subsisted typically as pedlars and hawkers.

29- These Middle Woodland people subsisted primarily on wild plants, animals, fish, and shellfish.

30- In the meantime, he subsisted on commercial and television work and writing books of essays.

31- After their mail was cut off they subsisted on a soup of cabbage, water and salt.

32- His status as an employee had ended but the continuing terms of the contract of employment subsisted .

33- Food was extremely scarce and they subsisted on around 600 calories per person per day for five years.

34- They subsisted by hunting, fishing and gathering food on and around the biologically rich Monterey Peninsula.

35- They subsisted for a long time on such flesh and on herbs after their bread was gone.

36- Our parents and grandparents subsisted on wild food with very few processed foods or sugars in their diet.

37- They subsisted on agriculture (corn, sunflowers, beans, etc.) supplemented by seasonal hunts.

38- Often he and his fellow “revolutionaries” subsisted on a handful of rice, rats and roots.

39- An “affinity” existed, ” subsisted at all times between Pompeius, burgesses and the senate. The settlers subsisted on bread and water.

40- She had no food with her, but subsisted on a single liter of water stored in a bottle.

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