strict in a sentence 2

Use ‘strict’ in a sentence | ‘strict’ example sentences

50- It’s important to follow a strict diet.

51- Both of my parents are not strict with me.

52- He was strict in disciplining his children.

53- Our English teacher is at once strict and kind.

54- Find someone who has or had strict parents.

55- strikeYou may as well know that I am a strict instructor.

56- A number of countries have strict laws against drugs.

57- I always tried to be strict with them and not to smile.

58- The local police are very strict about traffic violations.

59- She has a number of food allergies, and is on a strict diet.

60- They accused the teacher of being too strict with the children.

61- She has a strict diet which prohibits all dairy and wheat products.

62- He was subjected to strict military discipline while in the service.

63- The sale of guns is under strict government control in this country.

64- A strict father makes his children toe the line by thorough training.

65- The government has strict regulations regarding salmon fishing in our state.

66- Discussion question: Is it better for parents to be strict, or lenient with children?Narinder is a strict vegetarian, and will not eat animal products of any kind.

67- People who think that if they are to lose weight they must go on a strict fast.

68- I got it through my head that my parent’s strict rules were for my own benefit.

69- Sometimes parents who are very strict produce children who are quite rebellious.

70- Find someone who has stretched before doing some kind of physical activity.

71- strictRelationships in the workplace in Japan are dictated by a strict social hierarchy.

72- Our professor is quite lenient with homework, I wish he would be a bit more strict.

73- As an elite athlete, he follows a strict regime of eating only the healthiest food.

74- Overly strict parents often seem to reinforce their teenagers’ determination to rebel.

75- She is always playing favorites with a few students but very strict with everyone else.

76- My teacher was a strict disciplinarian who ran the classroom like we were all in the army.

77- Many cities require new buildings to conform to strict architectural and esthetic standards.

78- The regulations affecting eligibility for a student loan have been made a little less strict.

79- Brunei is a strict Muslim country, and the government fosters and promotes the Islamic faith.

80- Her parents are really strict, if she comes home late they don’t let her go out again for a week.

81- She was quite lenient with her children because she felt her own parents had been much too strict.

82- The President believes that strict environmental laws will only hinder development of the economy.

83- Abraham Lincoln once said, “I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.

84- “The rule of General Zia in Pakistan was known for its strict control at the political and military levels.

85- Along with the plants, animal life, too, was developing in harmony with the strict requirements of the land.

86- It is important for all researchers in the field of psychology to maintain a strict code of ethical conduct.

87- I don’t think it is better to be lenient or strict with a child as much as it is important to be consistent.

88- Strict limitations on car ownership have been imposed in Hong Kong due to its small size, and large population.

89- These are not strict rules.

90- They are merely some suggested guidelines which we believe will prove helpful.

91- The army of ancient Rome was highly-trained, and well-equipped, and operated in strict formation on the battlefield.

92- Gun ownership laws are very strict in Ukraine, and only militia and armed forces personnel are allowed to carry guns.

93- Discussion question: Do you think parents in your culture are more strict, or are they more lenient than parents in this country?Someone once said that if you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep.

94- They sent their wild son to a private school which had strict discipline, in the hopes that it would teach him better behavior.

95- Marcus T.

96- Cicero noted that you cannot be strict in judging others if you do not wish others to be strict judges of yourself.

97- My older sister always quarrelled with my parents because she thought they were less strict with my brother and I than they were with her.

98- Francois, Duc De La Rochefoucauld once remarked that to safeguard one’s health at the cost of too strict a diet is a tiresome illness indeed.

99- One of the basic principles of distributive justice is that of strict equality, which holds that every person should have the same level of material goods and services.

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