stevedores in a sentence

Use ‘stevedores’ in a sentence | ‘stevedores’ example sentences

1- Deck officers and stevedores oversee the operations.

2- The Australian stevedores available to help unload were usually middle-aged men.

3- Labor leaders like Harry Bridges organized the city’s stevedores and other workers.

4- Gross and Sepczynski are the stevedores helping Sobotka to unload the ship.

5- Steamboats plied the Red River, and stevedores loaded and unloaded cargo.

6- Brown & McCabe, stevedores .

7- An untimely labor dispute and pending strike involving the local stevedores also created delays and threatened the event.

8- The term “stevedore” is also sometimes used, as in the company name Patrick stevedores .

9- And then the stevedores , there were a lot of stevedores here belonging to Stronsay.

10- And then the stevedores, there were a lot of stevedores here belonging to Stronsay.

11- The Cocos Islands Cooperative Society Ltd. employs construction workers, stevedores , and lighterage worker operations.

12- The uprising began in late November 1905 when the Georgetown stevedores went on strike, demanding higher wages.

13- Several long-serving stevedores working for Lem Wing Transportation and Everbest dismissed the strikers’ claims as exaggeration.

14- We had to do that, the stevedores had to do that, my first of stevedoring.

15- Those workers at the port who handle and move the containers are likely to be considered stevedores or longshoremen.

16- The POWs in the camp worked as stevedores loading and unloading food from ships arriving from Manchuria and Korea.

17- The Teamsters strike was quickly joined by sympathizing sailors, stevedores and fireman belonging to the City Front Federation.

18- Du Bois discovered that the vast majority of black American soldiers were relegated to menial labor as stevedores and laborers.

19- Another was the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), which represented stevedores in most East Coast ports.

20- Then the main cargo was loaded in further layers, being carefully packed in with dunnage by the excellent Chinese stevedores .

21- Cuney established his own business of stevedores and a union of black dockworkers to break the white monopoly on dock jobs.

22- stevedores along the Mississippi River used the drug as a stimulant, and white employers encouraged its use by black laborers.

23- The stevedores are bemused by Frank’s desire to work and Nat gives a begrudgingly respectful nod to the union leader.

24- Clifton Gross, Steve Lukiewski and Paul G. Sepczynski are all real-life stevedores who appear as stevedores in this episode.

25- Clifton Gross, Steve Lukiewski and Paul G. Sepczynski are all real-life stevedores who appear as stevedores in this episode.

26- Thus, the stevedores still did the “stuffing” and “unstuffing”, with the dockers staying on the dock.

27- Business doubles for stevedores This dramatic rise in business follows the company successfully winning the stevedoring licence for the Port of Jersey .

28- He used stevedores working the docks in Baltimore to infect horses with glanders while they were waiting to be shipped to Britain.

29- Traditionally, stevedores had no fixed job, but would arrive at the docks in the morning seeking employment for the day.

30- Vannie Higgins was called “Brooklyn’s Last Irish Boss” and controlled the Brooklyn waterfront and its Irish stevedores during Prohibition.

31- This is a funny little place, it is 32 miles up the country and there are no people living here but stevedores and their wives.

32- The fourth time he was shot was last winter, in this city, being mistaken for Bill Howe, who had excited the ire of the colored stevedores .

33- Along the narrow cobblestone alleyways are taverns and street markets, interspersed with close-packed houses still occupied by stevedores , fishmongers and sailors.

34- The Scandinavian fancied himself surrounded by Trolls, – a kind of goblin men, with vast power of work and skilful production, – divine stevedores , carpenters, reapers, smiths, and masons, swift to reward every kindness done them, with gifts of gold and silver.

35- Combined with dedicated efforts from all stevedores , the cargo was landed safely on the trailers, ready for the last part, being trucking to storage area and landing off on specially designed stools”, says Nikolaj Buurgaard Sørensen.

36- With the help of Australian stevedores , the U.S. troops reloaded men and supplies and assembled the aircraft, working straight through a warm and sunny Christmas Day, taking time out only for a Christmas dinner of cold bologna sandwiches and milk.

37- Jones had then worked closely with the docks employer, Lord Aldington, in getting a new wages agreement for the docks including a settlement for the problem of casual labour which drew on him the fire of many militant shop stewards amongst the stevedores .

38- The ground was also known as stevedores Paddock because horses used on the wharves were left in the paddock.

39- Dock workers The dock workers are all members of the Baltimore Union of the International Brotherhood of stevedores.

40- When Frank’s body was pulled out of the docks Little Big Roy was there to watch with the other devastated stevedores.

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