status in a sentence 2

Use ‘status’ in a sentence | ‘status’ example sentences

50- Doctors and lawyers are high status jobs in our society.

51- Would you please let me know what the status is right away?

52- Cell phones have become a real status symbol among school children.

53- I haven’t heard yet what the status is on my request for a transfer.

54- SUVs seem to be the new status vehicle for trendy young rich people.

55- Discussion question: What are the highest status jobs in your culture? steadyJeve Moorman once said that status quo is Latin for the mess we’re in.

56- Both weddings and funerals are important indicators of status in Hong Kong.

57- The politician used a brilliant maneuver to regain his status in the party.

58- Modernization has been associated with a decline in the status of the elderly.

59- In Rwanda, family heritage determines one’s social status and place of residence.

60- Movie stars in the U.S. have been elevated to the status of royalty.

61- An athlete gives up his/her amateur status once he/she starts getting paid for his/her sport.

62- Everyone was happy when they heard that Ji Jie had finally gotten her landed immigrant status.

63- The main substance of the peace talks revolved around the status of the holy city of Jerusalem.

64- This film, while a total box-office failure, has achieved cult status in the home video market.

65- The deportation order was sent to his home after his request for refugee status was turned down.

66- In Somalia, a family’s status in the community is often measured by the number of camels it owns.

67- The inferior status of women in my culture hasn’t really changed much since my parents’ generation.

68- Beckman’s performance this season has truly elevated him to the status of a superstar in his sport.

69- Artist Diego Velázquez worked for the elevation of painting to the status of a liberal art in Spain.

70- Visible minorities are often relegated to low status positions in society for purely racist reasons.

71- The singer has achieved legendary status in the music industry over the course of his 25-year career.

72- Studies show that boys gain status within their peer group for behavior adults regard as troublesome.

73- Today, more and more people are changing jobs in order to get a better salary and higher social status.

74- In southern Sudan, the scars on a woman’s body indicate her age, marital status, and number of children.

75- After making a single popular album, the group was quickly relegated to the status of “one-hit wonders.

76- “It is important to overview the economic status of these groups before examining the proposed solutions.

77- The athlete’s acceptance of prizes from the competitions could affect his eligibility for amateur status.

78- Buffalo show their lower status to other buffalo by putting their heads below the dominant animal’s belly.

79- The Church of Scientology is trying to obtain the status of a religion so that it won’t have to pay taxes.

80- There is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow to give everyone an update on the current status of our project.

81- Kimball Wiles once said that creativity is a method of progress, whereas conformity maintains the status quo.

82- Sociologists suggest that rumors generally spread among people of equal status, friends, associates and peers.

83- Kimball Wiles once remarked that creativity is a method of progress, whereas conformity maintains the status quo.

84- The use of a string quartet in the Beatles’ song, “Yesterday,” elevated it above the simple status of a pop song.

85- Robert A.

86- Heinlein once stated that how we behave towards cats here below determines our status in heaven.

87- Sathya Sai Baba once remarked that desire makes man forget his real nature, and reduces him to be status of a beast.

88- Sathya Sai Baba once remarked that desire makes man forget his real nature, and reduces him to the status of a beast.

89- In many societies, the language you use, the expressions, and the use or non-use of slang, reflect your social status.

90- The French Riviera has long been a favorite hang-out for celebrities, and various status seekers from around the world.

91- The basketball star lost his amateur status when it was revealed that he had been paid for playing on his college team.

92- Desmond Morris once said that a true bond of friendship is usually only possible between people of roughly equal status.

93- Brian Aldiss once suggested that science fiction is the search for a definition of mankind, and his status in the universe.

94- Desmond Morris once remarked that a true bond of friendship is usually only possible between people of roughly equal status.

95- When Japanese business people meet for the first time, they exchange business cards that give strong clues to social status.

96- Cows play an important role in village culture in the African nation of Lesotho, both as sacrifices, and as symbols of status.

97- In Indonesia, you can pat the shoulder of a close friend to express approval, but not someone older than you, or of higher status.

98- A study of those who claimed they had no religion found that one third had relinquished their unaffiliated status within ten years.

99- In every culture fashion plays an important role, from defining wealth and status to allowing individuals to express their unique style.

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