statehouses in a sentence

Use ‘statehouses’ in a sentence | ‘statehouses’ example sentences

1- More than 3,000 pieces of gun-related legislation are being considered in statehouses .

2- Many statehouses have quartered the General Assembly of Virginia throughout its long history.

3- And providers of virtual education have been making their case in statehouses around the country.

4- Progress is also being made in statehouses , where rising prison costs are straining state budgets.

5- What we do need from both parties in Washington and our statehouses is leadership.

6- The decisions of policymakers in the statehouses affect the teaching and learning in the schoolhouses.

7- The story of the Jamestown statehouses is an important and fascinating one in it own right.

8- Riley: Well, Rudy was in Alabama recently and was asked about flying the Confederate flag over statehouses .

9- They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses , the city halls.

10- Now, with the blessing of the Supreme Court, statehouses across the country are aggressively restricting access to the ballot box.

11- In the past, several Southern states flew the Confederate battle flag along with the U.S. and state flags over their statehouses .

12- Many were crafted in the statehouses in Austin, Baton Rouge, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, and Santa Fe.

13- Everett, Derek R. “Modern statehouses for Modern States: Edward Durell Stone’s Capitol Architecture in North Carolina and Florida.

14- Since then, Republicans have honed their skills and developed a long-term strategy of winning statehouses in order to control each state’s once-in-a-decade redistricting process.

15- Rushdoony’s Theocratic Libertarianism at Work in the Nation’s statehouses Rachel Tabachnick, Talk to Action March 15, 2011 – Excellent, “must-read” article, connecting the theocratic dots in current politics… it answers lots of questions.

16- President Bush knows that a lot of his legacy depends on these elections, and what he leaves, as opposed to President Clinton, who got elected in 1992, and eight years later, the Democratic Party was a lot worse, in all statehouses , and both the House and the Senate.

17- As a result, I’m guessing, the Republicans and their tea-party cohort will beat the socks off the Democrats in Congress and statehouses next year.

18- Does Valentine not know that the NAACP has locked horns with Bookers voucher crowd across the length and breadth of the nation, in courtrooms, statehouses , on Capitol Hill and in the streets?

19- MA road safety bills cover snow-free trucks, headlight use and road rage While most legislatures around the country have closed for the year, a handful of statehouses , including Massachusetts, continue to meet.

20- In line with this focus on smaller government, Ernst wants to delegate some decisions that are now made in massive federal buildings to statehouses .

21- ALEC, founded in the 1970s by conservative activist Paul Weyrich, has long been the target of liberal groups who say it wields undue influence in statehouses .

22- As the 2014 midterm elections draw closer, pollsters across the country will begin releasing masses of data and their predictions of who will control the House of Representatives, the Senate, and statehouses across the country.

23- The measures contrast starkly with initiatives to cut or eliminate taxes on individual and corporate incomes that have dominated the discussion in much of the country, thanks to Republican control of nearly half the statehouses .

24- Minnesota’s move to raise $2.1 billion in new taxes, largely from the wealthy, to fund government programs puts it among a handful of states controlled by Democrats that are adopting more liberal fiscal policies at a time when many Republican-dominated statehouses are pushing to cut taxes.

25- Steele emphasized the need to make conservative minorities feel comfortable and welcome in a party that offered them opportunities to launch political careers in counties and statehouses .

26- During this time, a series of statehouses (capitols) were used and subsequently consumed by fires (both accidental, and in the case of Bacon’s Rebellion, intentional).

27- But others have been failures, placing a political stain on Democratic statehouses that were among the most enthusiastic in embracing the federal health-care law.

28- But the momentum has tipped in a different direction in statehouses across the country , where many responded to the tragedy by moving to expand rather than restrict gun rights.

29- In fact , many American citizens and their elected representatives, both in Congress and in our statehouses , wish to restore the Founders’ vision of constitutional government.

30- Nineteen statehouses changed from Democratic majorities to more conservative Republican majorities , and others, already Republican, saw more Republicans elected on socially conservative platforms.

31- The American public saw through this charade and swept Democrats out of power and put Republicans like John Kasich into governors ‘ mansions and statehouses .

32- I do think that political leaders in both Washington , D.C. and the statehouses should take notice of what these kids have done, and about what that speaks of the generation that we’re in now and how it’s changing from the old divide and conquer to more inclusive.

33- Those bills represent two of least 80 proposals related to drones in 39 statehouses across the country , according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

34- It will come from a White House and statehouses all across the country that are working together, and that’s the kind of partnership I that I intend to forge as president of the United States,” Obama said at the conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

35- Wary of lobbyists calling signals from the sidelines, Maine is taking steps to ban text messages and e-mails to lawmakers in session as it becomes the latest state to address the ever-expanding use of electronic communications in statehouses .

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