squibs in a sentence

Use ‘squibs’ in a sentence | ‘squibs’ example sentences

1- While muggle-borns are quite common, squibs are extremely rare.

2- But the performance 206 and 207 were damp squibs in the looks department .

3- However, according to Rowling, squibs are incapable of seeing Dementors.

4- Kalkbrenner was the target of some of Heine’s more famous squibs .

5- Danish Special Effects also worked on body squibs , bullet hits and atmospheric effects.

6- Love poems, satirical squibs , and descriptive nature poems would always be his favored forms.

7- Readers may have thought his front page squibs came from the pen of a dominant shareholder.

8- squibs share some things with wizards and they are aware of and comprehend the wizarding world.

9- Roman candles, squibs and rockets were already in the shops and the protesters had armed themselves.

10- I interpreted parts of the stamped numbers on the shoulder of the squibs to be dates.

11- Early publications such as handwritten ditties and squibs were circulated among the gentry and taverns and coffee-houses.

12- Again, here is an instance where the barbs of frontier squibs are echoed in the later years.

13- The diner sequence combines practical effects, including squibs and air cannons, with visual effects created by ILM.

14- He can also write subtle parables and allegories, or commit squibs and puns or propose riddles and anagrams.

15- William the White gets the fireworks out for the last game of the season, but finds only damp squibs .

16- To induce the splitting of the costume, the series’ special effect coordinator Darrell Pritchett inserted squibs inside of the suit.

17- Many of the inhabitants carry lighted branches and flambeaus, and rockets, squibs , etc., are discharged on the occasion.

18- It should be noted that the audible noise of the explosions of any demolition ” squibs ” would be rather easily disguised in the noise of the collapse. &nbsp The predominantly horizontal nature of these charges would be difficult to discern in seismic data, as well.

19- Witness testimony of the WTC explosions is backed by physical evidence, including broadcast network video captures of demolition ” squibs ” firing in sequence.

20- As an e-newsletter, The Humorous Times continues to report on international activities, but it also includes special features on humor research as well as squibs and short humorous writings.

21- Blood squibs are bright red and look quite fake. (Giving the benefit of the doubt, that may have been an MPAA requirement.) The lawn on the National Mall in Washington seems a little too vibrantly green for a scene that’s supposed to take place in the middle of winter.

22- The film is not particularly well constructed, and the subplot featuring squibs‘ sister’s desperate life in Paris with a murderer on the run is poorly connected to the scenes of rejoicing back home, but the central character’s vitality carries the story.

23- In squibs Wins the Calcutta Sweep (1922), for example, the energetic heroine suddenly comes into money, with which she spreads happiness to her neighbours and enjoys the high life, thereby offering audiences an opportunity for vicarious wish-fulfilment.

24- His sensitivity to audience tastes also led to his developing Britain’s first homegrown film star in Betty Balfour, whom he put into a series of films featuring the character of squibs , an impish Piccadilly flower girl.

25- This aircraft went to heavy check, and it was found that these squibs were near expired or expired…After receiving OJT in reference to the…occurrence, I realized the expiration dates were etched and not stamped on the shoulder of the squibs.

26- This aircraft went to heavy check, and it was found that these squibs were near expired or expired…After receiving OJT in reference to the…occurrence, I realized the expiration dates were etched and not stamped on the shoulder of the squibs .

27- A B757-200 technician interpreted the stamped numbers on the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) and engine fire bottle squibs as expiration dates.

28- Given the extent of his researches, some of his conclusions are muted; but this calm, humane book, with its provocative ideas and lively squibs , is exemplary of its kind.

29- Well, I think Hollywood took the flashiest, easiest lessons from Die Hard co-opting its comedy, squibs , and large-scale blowings-up, often to boffo box office.

30- THE authorship of the new “Gospel of Peace,” one of the cleverest political squibs of the war, is a well-kept secret.

31- Exceptions exist: those unable to do magic who are born to magical parents are known as squibs , whereas a witch or wizard born to muggle parents is known as a muggle-born , or by the pejorative “mudblood”.

32- All Performers rigged with an explosive device (e.g., squibs ) shall be considered to be undertaking a Risk Performance. (j) Stunt Performers shall have the right to negotiate for additional compensation for any stunt work required that is over and above that originally agreed upon.

33- The young men commenced their usual pastimes of throwing squibs , firecrackers, dead cats, etc. In their high spirits they assaulted the guard when it was called out of the guardhouse to protect the property.

34- Though like Auden and many other prolific poets, Keys does not hesitate to write songs; light verse; limericks; pithy satiric squibs ; erotica; ideograms; haiku; epigrams, parodies, and enigmatic epiphanies and riddles.

35- For the filming of the chestburster scene the cast members knew that the creature would be bursting out of Hurt, and had seen the chestburster puppet, but they had not been told that fake blood would also be bursting out in every direction from high-pressure pumps and squibs .

36- Upon finding the building for the Aesir Headquarters it took eight weeks in pre-production to build the set and another week for the special effects team to install the squibs .

37- At the age of twelve he worked for a firework maker whom he disliked for making false marketing claims and building sub-standard squibs . However, unlike Muggles, squibs retain lesser magical gifts e.g. the ability to see Dementors and interact with magical creatures.

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