Use ‘spree’ in a sentence | ‘spree’ example sentences
50- Mustafa Brahja, who organizes the hand-outs, says “nerves are tense” after the terrorist spree.
51- A man walks along the embankment of the river spree during sunset in Berlin, September 13, 2013.
52- Even the mildly brave could go on an installing spree and be spared any game-breaking flakiness.
53- You betrayed their trust when you accessed your parents’ money to go on a frenzied spending spree.
54- But the roughly $155?billion spending spree left the industry with unusually high production costs.
55- The San Bernardino killing spree has been the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. so far this year.
56- She remained a loyal companion to him as they carried out their crime spree and awaited the violent deaths they viewed as inevitable.
57- Baker, now on the run from Union authorities, went on a killing spree, during which he killed two men, W.G. Kirkman and John Salmons.
58- A naked “mercy” match in high school is thought to be the trigger that sent John Norman Collins on his killing spree.
59- Shopping spree The contestant is shown four prizes and asked to choose the three whose total prices exceed a given amount.
60- Their name is from Sprevja (the local Slavonic form of the river name spree ) plus the common Slavonic ethnic suffix -ane.
61- Unreferenced A 1986 Honda spree The Honda spree or Nifty 50 (NQ50)was a small 49 cc motor scooter made by Honda in the mid 1980s.
62- 1958 murder spree On January 21, 1958, Starkweather visited Fugate at her home at 924 Belmont Avenue in the Belmont neighborhood of Lincoln.
63- The police consider it a matter of mere vandalism and destruction of property, but the PACERs are horrified by what they see as a killing spree.
64- Gabriel comes to discover, however, that Malia is a member of the extensive New Orleans Voodoo cartel that is responsible for a spree of murders.
65- Dredd and Anderson put a stop to the killing spree and follow the quartet as they flee back to their own native dimension (known colloquially as ‘Deadworld’).
66- 2002 A performance by the band The Polyphonic spree at the 2002 SXSW Music festival helped bring them to national attention before they had signed with a major label.
67- Killorglin went on a goal scoring spree and proved more than a match for the point-scoring abilities of St. Pat’s.
68- Now possessing superhuman abilities, Jason returns to Crystal Lake, now renamed Forest Green, and begins his killing spree anew.
69- While Ms. Question goes back on her crime spree, the Mayor complains that Ms. Botsford is the only one to bring Ms. Question to justice.
70- Okada is cornered by Taisuke during his kill spree resorts to holding a girl hostage while demanding Nami to kill his Taisuke and Yuta.
71- He began a one man crime spree raiding countless banks in central Texas with such success that police began referring to him as “The Fox”.
72- As Sesshomaru fights both of them, Kikyo fires a sacred arrow into Suikotsu to revert him to Doctor Suikotsu, who pleads for death to stop his killing spree.
73- Mali After a World Cup qualifying match between Mali and Togo on 27 March 2005, which Togo won 2-1, Mali fans rioted and went on a spree of destruction and violence.
74- In 1930, depressed after some financial reversals, he went on a shooting spree, killing his storeman and wounding another man, before drowning himself in a nearby lake.
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