spreadsheet in a sentence 2

Use ‘spreadsheet’ in a sentence | ‘spreadsheet’ example sentences

51- Spellbinder was renamed Eaglewriter on the Eagle PCs, and the spreadsheet program was called Eaglecalc.

52- For example: a CSV file might be used to transfer information from a database program to a spreadsheet.

53- More reliably sourced data appreciated – if you have links, please add them on my talk page and I’ll update my spreadsheet and the graph.

54- Simple linear regression and multiple regression using least squares can be done in some spreadsheet applications and on some calculators.

55- Many spreadsheets including Microsoft Excel use the 26-adic counting system with the “digits” A-Z to label the columns of a spreadsheet, starting A, B, C..

56- A modern spreadsheet program is an example of reactive programming.

57- ” — Rob Barnaby in email to Mike Petrie 2 May 2000 In 1987 Rubinstein became involved with a spreadsheet he called Surpass.

58- The Assessor completes the assessment by gathering the appropriate supporting evidence and completing a Scoring spreadsheet.

59- Scribble!, Analyze! and Organize! were bundled together as the Works! suite combining a word processor, spreadsheet and database.

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