spreadable in a sentence

Use ‘spreadable’ in a sentence | ‘spreadable’ example sentences

1- It is spreadable and should be measured.

2- Add enough milk to make icing spreadable .

3- It is spreadable and its often used to prepare desserts.

4- Jam will not be very thick but easily spreadable .

5- The consistency should be spreadable , but not dry or crumbling.

6- The processing also produces a honey with a smooth, spreadable consistency.

7- If cooled to room temperature it becomes a spreadable filling and frosting.

8- Add to sugar and beat mixture until it is very smooth and spreadable .

9- The meat is ground and whipped with black pepper to a spreadable consistency .

10- Also try its first cousin, spreadable Butter with Olive Oil.

11- Butter should be spreadable by now.

12- Dairy products include traditional and spreadable butters , creams and natural and bio yogurts.

13- The name ” butter” comes from the fact that is spreadable , like butter.

14- Needless to say, Blake loves the Land O Lakes® spreadable butter products.

15- Methyl Cellulose or wallpaper paste : A thick, spreadable adhesive which dries clear.

16- Beat until creamy and spreadable .

17- Add enough oil (butter or bacon drippings) to make a ” spreadable ” mixture.

18- Method for assembling the crostini Spread each crostini slice with a layer of spreadable cream cheese .

19- Slowly add the oil to the mixture while stirring until the mixture turns into a spreadable paste.

20- Weebl’s production company Sumo Dojo worked on the Anchor spreadable adverts in the UK.

21- Did you know that Land O’Lakes offers a variety of spreadable butter products in tubs?

22- Also from Teramo are the spreadable sausages flavored with nutmeg, liver sausages tasting of garlic and spices.

23- Mix as soon as you take it out, the mix should be more spreadable but not too watery.

24- I just thinned the jam with a little rum or brandy and slightly warmed it to make it spreadable .

25- I ‘m planning on making the pudding at least a day ahead so can set up to be spreadable .

26- I think that most people view the spreadable butter products as only easy-to-use toppers for their toast or muffin.

27- Texture treat Play with the fat content of your milk – adding cream if you want a more spreadable version .

28- Normal butter softens to a spreadable consistency around 15 °C (60 °F), well above refrigerator temperatures.

29- Next, prepare stuffing a little drier than the package suggests, so it will bind well in a spreadable consistency.

30- Whipped butter has had air beaten into it, thereby increasing volume and creating a softer, more spreadable consistency when cold.

31- Almond butter , with lower saturated fat content and supplemental protein and fiber, is Jesus’ second coming in spreadable form.

32- How does a nice, soft, spreadable little goat ball hand-rolled in garlic and parsley and drenched in sunflower oil sound?

33- Prepared mustard, the spreadable stuff in tiny French jars in our refrigerators, is the combination of ground seeds and liquid.

34- But on many meat and spreadable fish products manufacturers have to declare the amount of meat or fish as a percentage of the total product weight.

35- The addition of the hydrogen to the oils make it not only ” spreadable ,” but makes it quite difficult to digest at all.

36- Then I’d buy everything that is tangible and spreadable such as gold, silver, sugar 11, coffee, wheat, etc. Buy the EU contract, catch a tick or two on the spread, and sell in Australia, USA, Canada, Brazil, etc. This would avoid any currency risk associated with buying sovereign wealth.

37- Lemon Icing : Mix together the sifted confectioners’ sugar and lemon juice until smooth. (The icing should be thick but still spreadable .) Pour the icing onto the center of the cake and spread with an offset spatula.

38- The main component in a cheesecake filling is cream cheese, which is a white, soft and spreadable cheese with a slightly tangy flavor. Finally, the Bayley Hazen Blue is soft but not spreadable and deliciously bacon-y.

39- McGee p. 34. Several “spreadable” butters have been developed; these remain softer at colder temperatures and are therefore easier to use directly out of refrigeration.

40- Primula Cheese was the world’s first spreadable cheese with a long shelf life and was named after the Primula flower.

41- A margarine made from naturally more saturated oils will be more plastic (more “spreadable“) than a margarine made from hydrogenated soy oilCitation needed.

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