sprayed in a sentence 2

Use ‘sprayed’ in a sentence | ‘sprayed’ example sentences

51- There is a sign warning people to stay off the grass because it has just been sprayed with pesticide, and could be harmful to one’s health.

52- According to historians, the Roman Emperor Nero had pipes installed under banquet plates to allow his guests to be sprayed with rose scent between dinner courses.

53- He sprayed water from a bottle and called out, “Who wants pesticides?”

54- The police say the cabbage was recently sprayed with the pesticide Avani.

55- It sprayed a putrid smelling liquid onto the wood pile, all over the carport,.

56- A bulldozer bore an inscription “Putin is a piece of crap,” sprayed with white paint.

57- According to Clarisse, the active chemical in the herbicide being sprayed is glyphosate.

58- Combustible tubes of nicotine potpourri sprayed with cartoonishly awful carcinogens are not.

59- El-Hussein then sprayed the entrance with 27 bullets, wounding three police officers inside.

60- Players then put on goggles in the clubhouse as they sprayed non-vintage Chandon Brut Classic.

61- He said attackers sprayed gunfire at security forces during their battle to retake the building.

62- An explosion could be caused if fire fighters sprayed the calcium carbide with water, they said.

63- The second-rate truffle is sprayed with a harsh artificial aroma that mimics the smell and taste.

64- They got into a little scuffle, and next thing you know, ‘pshshsh,’ sprayed the whole place, he said.

65- As most producers will start harvesting sorghum silage very soon, some fields will have to be sprayed.

66- He was found, abandoned, in New Orleans — he and his cage sprayed Tulane green.

67- Also on March 21, South Granville’s auditorium was closed to students and teachers so that it could be sprayed for termites.

68- The spider sprayed water onto the crowds and touched various objects at the roadside, including the odd umbrella of a member of the public.

69- Tamra’s first blog for the relaunch was an interview with Kelly Heresy a day one occupier at OccupyWallStreet, the first protestor pepper sprayed.

70- For example, birds may be poisoned when they eat food that was recently sprayed with insecticides or when they mistake insecticide granules on the ground for food and eat it.

71- We see Pink through the hole in the door, but she isn’t shown sprayed with the aerosol.

72- Liquid LNG is sprayed into the tanks via spray heads, which vaporises and starts to cool the tank.

73- Bliss claimed he was unaware that the waste contained dioxin, he even sprayed it around his own home.

74- Overall, more than 20% of South Vietnam’s forests were sprayed at least once over a nine year period.

75- Spray foam See also: :Spray foams (insulation) This type of insulation is sprayed in place through a gun.

76- Meanwhile, his/her team-member would be holding the trap door from below while high-pressure water would be sprayed on them.

77- T&N’s rapid growth has been attributed to a product called “sprayed Limpet Asbestos”, developed in the Armley works in 1931.

78- Cocaleros who make their livings growing and selling coca were the most negatively affected by the policies, as their crops were burned, ripped up, or sprayed with herbicide.

79- The glazes were dribbled, sprayed or spattered over the ceramic surface.

80- The sensors should be gently sprayed from a careful distance to avoid physically damaging them.

81- Volume Median Diameter (VMD) is based on the volume of liquid sprayed; therefore, it is a widely accepted measure.

82- However, Coachwhip continued to assault Moon Knight with her electric-whips, until a civilian sprayed her with a hose.

83- Police sprayed tear gas on the intruders, resulting in additional rock throwing and fighting.

84- The microdots are brushed or sprayed onto the key parts of an asset to provide complete parts marking.

85- The cover of Bon Voyage was the famous We Voyagers mural that was sprayed underneath a bridge in Springfield.

86- Lawrence refused to look, and Rippey sprayed Sharer with Windex and taunted “You’re not looking so hot now, are you?

87- Gunmen sprayed the restaurant with bullets and there were blood stains on the floor and shoes left by fleeing customers.

88- sprayed insecticides may drift from the area to which it is applied and into wildlife areas, especially when it is sprayed aerially.

89- Airbrush makeup is makeup sprayed onto the skin using an airbrush instead of being applied with sponges, brushes, fingers, or other methods.

90- Roundup Ready seeds allow the farmer to grow a crop that can be sprayed with glyphosate to control weeds without harming the resistant crop.

91- The mail pieces are then sprayed with the correct addresses or are sorted for further handling according to the instructions given via encoding.

92- The Kava produces an effect similar to that of a chloraseptic spray (An over-the-counter medicine to alleviate sore throat by numbing it, via pump-sprayed into the mouth).

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