sported in a sentence 2

Use ‘sported’ in a sentence | ‘sported’ example sentences

50- The Bulls sported the look of Armstrong and Harper in the backcourt, Pippen and Kukoc at the forward spots, and Perdue at center.

51- Then-ubiquitous MTV VJ Kennedy sported a tattoo of the band’s logo on her ankle on national television, and increased radio and MTV airplay continued.

52- The Tele Deluxe sported a large headstock similar to the Stratocaster maple neck and a contoured body, as well as a tremolo bridge option on models manufactured after 1973/74.

53- Harry fashioned a necklace of four dead pigeons, sported a red loincloth, and brought along a bag of snakes.

54- Nomura’s 9″ tall, tin, remote-controlled Robbie the Robot walked, moved his arms, and sported moving lighted pistols.

55- A good number of “Swatchies” sported two Swatch Guards of different colors, twisted or braided together across the Swatch face.

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